libdonut  2.3.2
Application framework for cross-platform game development in C++20
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include <donut/math.hpp>
6 #include <cstddef> // std::size_t
7 #include <limits> // std::numeric_limits
8 #include <span> // std::span
9 #include <string_view> // std::string_view, std::u8string_view
10 #include <vector> // std::vector
12 namespace donut::graphics {
14 class Font; // Forward declaration, to avoid including Font.hpp.
19 class Text {
20 public:
28  struct ShapedGlyph {
30  vec2 shapedOffset;
31  vec2 shapedSize;
33  char32_t codePoint;
34  };
43  struct ShapedGlyphInfo {
44  vec2 shapedOffset;
46  std::size_t shapedLineIndex;
47  std::size_t stringOffset;
48  };
57  struct ShapedLineInfo {
58  vec2 shapedOffset;
59  vec2 shapedSize;
60  std::size_t shapedGlyphOffset;
61  std::size_t stringOffset;
62  };
67  struct ShapeResult {
76  std::size_t shapedGlyphOffset;
82  std::size_t shapedLineOffset;
83  };
88  Text() noexcept = default;
120  Text(Font& font, u32 characterSize, std::u8string_view string, vec2 offset = {0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale = {1.0f, 1.0f}) {
121  shape(font, characterSize, string, offset, scale);
122  }
130  Text(Font& font, u32 characterSize, std::string_view string, vec2 offset = {0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale = {1.0f, 1.0f}) {
131  shape(font, characterSize, string, offset, scale);
132  }
137  void clear() noexcept {
138  shapedGlyphs.clear();
139  shapedGlyphsInfo.clear();
140  shapedLinesInfo.clear();
141  minExtent = {std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()};
142  maxExtent = {-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()};
143  }
183  ShapeResult shape(Font& font, u32 characterSize, std::u8string_view string, vec2 offset = {0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale = {1.0f, 1.0f});
191  ShapeResult shape(Font& font, u32 characterSize, std::string_view string, vec2 offset = {0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale = {1.0f, 1.0f}) {
192  static_assert(sizeof(char) == sizeof(char8_t));
193  static_assert(alignof(char) == alignof(char8_t));
194  return shape(font, characterSize, std::u8string_view{reinterpret_cast<const char8_t*>(, string.size()}, offset, scale);
195  }
203  ShapeResult reshape(Font& font, u32 characterSize, std::string_view string, vec2 offset = {0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale = {1.0f, 1.0f}) {
204  clear();
205  return shape(font, characterSize, string, offset, scale);
206  }
214  ShapeResult reshape(Font& font, u32 characterSize, std::u8string_view string, vec2 offset = {0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale = {1.0f, 1.0f}) {
215  clear();
216  return shape(font, characterSize, string, offset, scale);
217  }
229  [[nodiscard]] std::span<const ShapedGlyph> getShapedGlyphs() const noexcept {
230  return shapedGlyphs;
231  }
243  [[nodiscard]] std::span<const ShapedGlyphInfo> getShapedGlyphsInfo() const noexcept {
244  return shapedGlyphsInfo;
245  }
257  [[nodiscard]] std::span<const ShapedLineInfo> getShapedLinesInfo() const noexcept {
258  return shapedLinesInfo;
259  }
267  [[nodiscard]] vec2 getMinExtent() const noexcept {
268  return minExtent;
269  }
277  [[nodiscard]] vec2 getMaxExtent() const noexcept {
278  return maxExtent;
279  }
281 private:
282  std::vector<ShapedGlyph> shapedGlyphs{};
283  std::vector<ShapedGlyphInfo> shapedGlyphsInfo{};
284  std::vector<ShapedLineInfo> shapedLinesInfo{};
285  vec2 minExtent{std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()};
286  vec2 maxExtent{-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()};
287 };
289 } // namespace donut::graphics
291 #endif
Typeface describing an assortment of character glyphs that may be rendered on-demand into an expandin...
Definition: Font.hpp:42
Facility for shaping text, according to a Font, into renderable glyphs.
Definition: Text.hpp:19
void clear() noexcept
Erase all shaped glyphs and reset the text to an empty state.
Definition: Text.hpp:137
Text() noexcept=default
Construct an empty text.
std::span< const ShapedGlyphInfo > getShapedGlyphsInfo() const noexcept
Get the list of ShapedGlyphInfo data for all shaped glyphs.
Definition: Text.hpp:243
ShapeResult shape(Font &font, u32 characterSize, std::string_view string, vec2 offset={0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale={1.0f, 1.0f})
Helper overload of shape() that takes an arbitrary byte string and interprets it as UTF-8.
Definition: Text.hpp:191
ShapeResult reshape(Font &font, u32 characterSize, std::u8string_view string, vec2 offset={0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale={1.0f, 1.0f})
Helper function that is equivalent to clear() followed by shape().
Definition: Text.hpp:214
std::span< const ShapedGlyph > getShapedGlyphs() const noexcept
Get the list of ShapedGlyph data for all shaped glyphs.
Definition: Text.hpp:229
std::span< const ShapedLineInfo > getShapedLinesInfo() const noexcept
Get the list of ShapedLineInfo data for all shaped lines.
Definition: Text.hpp:257
ShapeResult reshape(Font &font, u32 characterSize, std::string_view string, vec2 offset={0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale={1.0f, 1.0f})
Helper function that is equivalent to clear() followed by shape().
Definition: Text.hpp:203
ShapeResult shape(Font &font, u32 characterSize, std::u8string_view string, vec2 offset={0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale={1.0f, 1.0f})
Use a font to shape a string of UTF-8 encoded text into a sequence of glyphs that are ready to be dra...
Text(Font &font, u32 characterSize, std::string_view string, vec2 offset={0.0f, 0.0f}, vec2 scale={1.0f, 1.0f})
Helper overload of Text() that takes an arbitrary byte string and interprets it as UTF-8.
Definition: Text.hpp:130
vec2 getMinExtent() const noexcept
Get the minimum extent of the shaped text.
Definition: Text.hpp:267
vec2 getMaxExtent() const noexcept
Get the maximum extent of the shaped text.
Definition: Text.hpp:277
Definition: Buffer.hpp:7
Result of the shape() function.
Definition: Text.hpp:67
std::size_t shapedLineOffset
Index, into the list returned by getShapedLinesInfo(), of the ShapedLineInfo corresponding to the fir...
Definition: Text.hpp:82
std::size_t shapedGlyphOffset
Index, into the lists returned by getShapedGlyphs() and getShapedGlyphsInfo(), of the ShapedGlyph and...
Definition: Text.hpp:76
Additional information about a single shaped glyph, including some data that is not strictly required...
Definition: Text.hpp:43
vec2 shapedAdvance
Scaled offset to apply in order to advance to the next glyph position, including kerning.
Definition: Text.hpp:45
std::size_t stringOffset
Byte offset in the input string of the first code unit that this glyph originated from.
Definition: Text.hpp:47
vec2 shapedOffset
Scaled offset from the starting position to draw this glyph at, in pixels.
Definition: Text.hpp:44
std::size_t shapedLineIndex
Index of the ShapedLineInfo corresponding to the line that this glyph is part of.
Definition: Text.hpp:46
Data required to render a single shaped glyph relative to at any given starting position.
Definition: Text.hpp:28
u32 characterSize
Character size that this glyph was shaped at.
Definition: Text.hpp:32
Font * font
Non-owning read-only non-null pointer to the font used to shape this glyph.
Definition: Text.hpp:29
vec2 shapedOffset
Scaled offset from the starting position to draw this glyph at, in pixels.
Definition: Text.hpp:30
char32_t codePoint
Unicode code point of this glyph.
Definition: Text.hpp:33
vec2 shapedSize
Scaled size of this glyph's rectangle, in pixels.
Definition: Text.hpp:31
Information about a line of shaped glyphs, including some data that is not strictly required for simp...
Definition: Text.hpp:57
std::size_t stringOffset
Byte offset in the input string of the first code unit that the first glyph that is part of this line...
Definition: Text.hpp:61
vec2 shapedOffset
Scaled offset of the baseline at the start of this line of text.
Definition: Text.hpp:58
vec2 shapedSize
Scaled total size of this line.
Definition: Text.hpp:59
std::size_t shapedGlyphOffset
Index of the ShapedGlyph and ShapedGlyphInfo corresponding to the first glyph that is part of this li...
Definition: Text.hpp:60