libdonut  2.3.2
Application framework for cross-platform game development in C++20
donut::LooseQuadtree< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for donut::LooseQuadtree< T >, including all inherited members.

clear() noexceptdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
const_iterator typedefdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >
const_pointer typedefdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >
const_reference typedefdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >
difference_type typedefdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >
emplace(const Box< 2, float > &elementBoundingBox, Args &&... args)donut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
erase(const_iterator pos) noexceptdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
insert(const Box< 2, float > &elementBoundingBox, const T &value)donut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
insert(const Box< 2, float > &elementBoundingBox, T &&value)donut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
iterator typedefdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >
LooseQuadtree(const Box< 2, float > &worldBoundingBox, vec2 typicalBoxSize) noexceptdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
operator[](const Box< 2, float > &elementBoundingBox)donut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
pointer typedefdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >
reference typedefdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >
reset(const Box< 2, float > &worldBoundingBox, vec2 typicalBoxSize) noexceptdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
size_type typedefdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >
test(vec2 point, Callback &&callback) constdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
test(vec2 point) const noexceptdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
test(const Box< 2, float > &box, Callback &&callback) constdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
test(const Box< 2, float > &box) const noexceptdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
traverseActiveNodes(Callback &&callback, Predicate &&predicate) constdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
traverseActiveNodes(Callback &&callback) constdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
traverseElementNodes(Callback &&callback, Predicate &&predicate) constdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
traverseElementNodes(Callback &&callback) constdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
traverseElements(Callback &&callback, Predicate &&predicate) constdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
traverseElements(Callback &&callback) constdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >inline
value_type typedefdonut::LooseQuadtree< T >