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donut::LooseQuadtree< T > Class Template Reference

Quadtree-based space subdivision container, optimized for intersection queries between 2D axis-aligned boxes. More...

#include <donut/LooseQuadtree.hpp>

Public Types

using value_type = T
using reference = T &
using const_reference = const T &
using pointer = T *
using const_pointer = const T *
using size_type = std::size_t
using iterator = Iterator< false >
using const_iterator = Iterator< true >
using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits< iterator >::difference_type

Public Member Functions

 LooseQuadtree (const Box< 2, float > &worldBoundingBox, vec2 typicalBoxSize) noexcept
 Construct an empty tree. More...
void reset (const Box< 2, float > &worldBoundingBox, vec2 typicalBoxSize) noexcept
 Reset the tree to an empty state with new world parameters. More...
void clear () noexcept
 Erase all inserted elements from the tree. More...
template<typename... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > emplace (const Box< 2, float > &elementBoundingBox, Args &&... args)
 Try to construct a new element in the tree. More...
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (const Box< 2, float > &elementBoundingBox, const T &value)
 Try to copy an element into the tree. More...
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (const Box< 2, float > &elementBoundingBox, T &&value)
 Try to move an element into the tree. More...
T & operator[] (const Box< 2, float > &elementBoundingBox)
 Try to default-construct a new element in the tree and get a reference to it. More...
void erase (const_iterator pos) noexcept
 Remove an element from the tree. More...
template<typename Callback , typename Predicate >
constexpr auto traverseActiveNodes (Callback &&callback, Predicate &&predicate) const
 Execute a callback function for each active node of the tree, including empty branch nodes without an element. More...
template<typename Callback >
constexpr auto traverseActiveNodes (Callback &&callback) const
 Execute a callback function for each active node of the tree, including empty branch nodes without an element. More...
template<typename Callback , typename Predicate >
constexpr auto traverseElementNodes (Callback &&callback, Predicate &&predicate) const
 Execute a callback function for each active node of the tree that has an element. More...
template<typename Callback >
constexpr auto traverseElementNodes (Callback &&callback) const
 Execute a callback function for each active node of the tree that has an element. More...
template<typename Callback , typename Predicate >
constexpr auto traverseElements (Callback &&callback, Predicate &&predicate) const
 Execute a callback function for each element in the tree. More...
template<typename Callback >
constexpr auto traverseElements (Callback &&callback) const
 Execute a callback function for each element in the tree. More...
template<typename Callback >
auto test (vec2 point, Callback &&callback) const
 Execute a callback function for each element in the tree that might contain a given point. More...
bool test (vec2 point) const noexcept
 Check if it is possible that some element in the tree contains a given point. More...
template<typename Callback >
auto test (const Box< 2, float > &box, Callback &&callback) const
 Execute a callback function for each element in the tree that might be intersecting with a given axis-aligned box. More...
bool test (const Box< 2, float > &box) const noexcept
 Check if it is possible that some element in the tree is intersecting with a given axis-aligned box. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class donut::LooseQuadtree< T >

Quadtree-based space subdivision container, optimized for intersection queries between 2D axis-aligned boxes.

Template Parameters
Ttype of element to store in the tree.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ value_type

template<typename T >
using donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::value_type = T

◆ reference

template<typename T >
using donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::reference = T&

◆ const_reference

template<typename T >
using donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::const_reference = const T&

◆ pointer

template<typename T >
using donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::pointer = T*

◆ const_pointer

template<typename T >
using donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::const_pointer = const T*

◆ size_type

template<typename T >
using donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::size_type = std::size_t

◆ iterator

template<typename T >
using donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::iterator = Iterator<false>

◆ const_iterator

template<typename T >
using donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::const_iterator = Iterator<true>

◆ difference_type

template<typename T >
using donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::difference_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LooseQuadtree()

template<typename T >
donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::LooseQuadtree ( const Box< 2, float > &  worldBoundingBox,
vec2  typicalBoxSize 

Construct an empty tree.

worldBoundingBoxbounding box of the world, or the full region that contains all other possible axis-aligned boxes that may be inserted into the tree.
typicalBoxSizeminimum threshold for the size of a leaf quadrant. This should correspond roughly to the typical size of the boxes that will be inserted into the tree.

Member Function Documentation

◆ reset()

template<typename T >
void donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::reset ( const Box< 2, float > &  worldBoundingBox,
vec2  typicalBoxSize 

Reset the tree to an empty state with new world parameters.

worldBoundingBoxbounding box of the world, or the full region that contains all other possible axis-aligned boxes that may be inserted into the tree.
typicalBoxSizeminimum threshold for the size of a leaf quadrant. This should correspond roughly to the typical size of the boxes that will be inserted into the tree.
See also

◆ clear()

template<typename T >
void donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::clear ( )

Erase all inserted elements from the tree.

See also

◆ emplace()

template<typename T >
template<typename... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::emplace ( const Box< 2, float > &  elementBoundingBox,
Args &&...  args 

Try to construct a new element in the tree.

elementBoundingBoxaxis-aligned bounding box of the element.
argsconstructor arguments for the new element.
a pair where:
  • the first element contains an iterator to the newly inserted element, or to the existing element if one was already occupying the corresponding tree node, and
  • the second element contains a bool that is true if an element was successfully inserted, or false if an existing element was already occupying the corresponding tree node.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the element constructor.
To store multiple values in the same node of the tree, use a list-like type for the element type T, such as std::vector, std::forward_list or some intrusive linked list between the values.
See also

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename T >
std::pair<iterator, bool> donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::insert ( const Box< 2, float > &  elementBoundingBox,
const T &  value 

Try to copy an element into the tree.

elementBoundingBoxaxis-aligned bounding box of the element.
valuevalue to be copied into the tree.
a pair where:
  • the first element contains an iterator to the newly inserted element, or to the existing element if one was already occupying the corresponding tree node, and
  • the second element contains a bool that is true if an element was successfully inserted, or false if an existing element was already occupying the corresponding tree node.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the element copy constructor.
To store multiple values in the same node of the tree, use a list-like type for the element type T, such as std::vector, std::forward_list or some intrusive linked list between the values.
See also

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::pair<iterator, bool> donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::insert ( const Box< 2, float > &  elementBoundingBox,
T &&  value 

Try to move an element into the tree.

elementBoundingBoxaxis-aligned bounding box of the element.
valuevalue to be moved into the tree.
a pair where:
  • the first element contains an iterator to the newly inserted element, or to the existing element if one was already occupying the corresponding tree node, and
  • the second element contains a bool that is true if an element was successfully inserted, or false if an existing element was already occupying the corresponding tree node.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the element move constructor.
To store multiple values in the same node of the tree, use a list-like type for the element type T, such as std::vector, std::forward_list or some intrusive linked list between the values.
See also

◆ operator[]()

template<typename T >
T& donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::operator[] ( const Box< 2, float > &  elementBoundingBox)

Try to default-construct a new element in the tree and get a reference to it.

elementBoundingBoxaxis-aligned bounding box of the element.
a reference to the newly inserted element, or to the existing element if one was already occupying the corresponding tree node.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the element default constructor.
To store multiple values in the same node of the tree, use a list-like type for the element type T, such as std::vector, std::forward_list or some intrusive linked list between the values.
See also

◆ erase()

template<typename T >
void donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::erase ( const_iterator  pos)

Remove an element from the tree.

positerator to the element to remove. Must be valid.
See also

◆ traverseActiveNodes() [1/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename Callback , typename Predicate >
constexpr auto donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::traverseActiveNodes ( Callback &&  callback,
Predicate &&  predicate 
) const

Execute a callback function for each active node of the tree, including empty branch nodes without an element.

callbackfunction to execute, which should accept the following parameters (though they don't need to be used):
  • const donut::Box<2, float>& looseBounds: an axis-aligned box that defines the region that an element's bounding box must be fully contained within in order to belong to the node.
  • const T* element: a non-owning read-only pointer to the element occupying the node, or nullptr if it does not have one.

The callback function should return either void or a bool that specifies whether to stop the traversal or not. A value of true means to stop and return early, while a value of false means to continue traversing.

predicatecondition that must be met in order to traverse deeper into the tree. Should accept the following parameter:
  • const donut::Box<2, float>& looseBounds: an axis-aligned box that defines the region that an element's bounding box must be fully contained within in order to belong to the next node.

The predicate function should return a bool that is true if the next node should be traversed, or false if the branch should be ignored.

void if the callback function returns void, true if the callback returns bool and exited early, false if the callback function returns bool but didn't exit early.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the callback function or predicate function.
The order of traversal is unspecified, though it is guaranteed that outer nodes will be visited before their own inner nodes that they contain.
Although it is const, this function is not thread-safe since it mutates an internal memory cache. Exclusive access is therefore required for safety.
See also

◆ traverseActiveNodes() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename Callback >
constexpr auto donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::traverseActiveNodes ( Callback &&  callback) const

Execute a callback function for each active node of the tree, including empty branch nodes without an element.

callbackfunction to execute, which should accept the following parameters (though they don't need to be used):
  • const donut::Box<2, float>& looseBounds: an axis-aligned box that defines the region that an element's bounding box must be fully contained within in order to belong to the node.
  • const T* element: a non-owning read-only pointer to the element occupying the node, or nullptr if it does not have one.

The callback function should return either void or a bool that specifies whether to stop the traversal or not. A value of true means to stop and return early, while a value of false means to continue traversing.

void if the callback function returns void, true if the callback returns bool and exited early, false if the callback function returns bool but didn't exit early.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the callback function.
The order of traversal is unspecified, though it is guaranteed that outer nodes will be visited before their own inner nodes that they contain.
Although it is const, this function is not thread-safe since it mutates an internal memory cache. Exclusive access is therefore required for safety.
See also

◆ traverseElementNodes() [1/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename Callback , typename Predicate >
constexpr auto donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::traverseElementNodes ( Callback &&  callback,
Predicate &&  predicate 
) const

Execute a callback function for each active node of the tree that has an element.

callbackfunction to execute, which should accept the following parameters (though they don't need to be used):
  • const donut::Box<2, float>& looseBounds: an axis-aligned box that defines the region that an element's bounding box must be fully contained within in order to belong to the node.
  • const T& element: a read-only reference to the element occupying the node.

The callback function should return either void or a bool that specifies whether to stop the traversal or not. A value of true means to stop and return early, while a value of false means to continue traversing.

predicatecondition that must be met in order to traverse deeper into the tree. Should accept the following parameter:
  • const donut::Box<2, float>& looseBounds: an axis-aligned box that defines the region that an element's bounding box must be fully contained within in order to belong to the next node.

The predicate function should return a bool that is true if the next node should be traversed, or false if the branch should be ignored.

void if the callback function returns void, true if the callback returns bool and exited early, false if the callback function returns bool but didn't exit early.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the callback function or predicate function.
The order of traversal is unspecified, though it is guaranteed that outer nodes will be visited before their own inner nodes that they contain.
Although it is const, this function is not thread-safe since it mutates an internal memory cache. Exclusive access is therefore required for safety.
See also

◆ traverseElementNodes() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename Callback >
constexpr auto donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::traverseElementNodes ( Callback &&  callback) const

Execute a callback function for each active node of the tree that has an element.

callbackfunction to execute, which should accept the following parameters (though they don't need to be used):
  • const donut::Box<2, float>& looseBounds: an axis-aligned box that defines the region that an element's bounding box must be fully contained within in order to belong to the node.
  • const T& element: a read-only reference to the element occupying the node.

The callback function should return either void or a bool that specifies whether to stop the traversal or not. A value of true means to stop and return early, while a value of false means to continue traversing.

void if the callback function returns void, true if the callback returns bool and exited early, false if the callback function returns bool but didn't exit early.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the callback function.
The order of traversal is unspecified, though it is guaranteed that outer nodes will be visited before their own inner nodes that they contain.
Although it is const, this function is not thread-safe since it mutates an internal memory cache. Exclusive access is therefore required for safety.
See also

◆ traverseElements() [1/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename Callback , typename Predicate >
constexpr auto donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::traverseElements ( Callback &&  callback,
Predicate &&  predicate 
) const

Execute a callback function for each element in the tree.

callbackfunction to execute, which should accept the following parameter:
  • const T& element: a read-only reference to the element.

The callback function should return either void or a bool that specifies whether to stop the traversal or not. A value of true means to stop and return early, while a value of false means to continue traversing.

predicatecondition that must be met in order to traverse deeper into the tree. Should accept the following parameter:
  • const donut::Box<2, float>& looseBounds: an axis-aligned box that defines the region that an element's bounding box must be fully contained within in order to belong to the next node.

The predicate function should return a bool that is true if the next node should be traversed, or false if the branch should be ignored.

void if the callback function returns void, true if the callback returns bool and exited early, false if the callback function returns bool but didn't exit early.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the callback function or predicate function.
The order of traversal is unspecified, though it is guaranteed that outer nodes will be visited before their own inner nodes that they contain.
Although it is const, this function is not thread-safe since it mutates an internal memory cache. Exclusive access is therefore required for safety.
See also

◆ traverseElements() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename Callback >
constexpr auto donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::traverseElements ( Callback &&  callback) const

Execute a callback function for each element in the tree.

callbackfunction to execute, which should accept the following parameter:
  • const T& element: a read-only reference to the element.

The callback function should return either void or a bool that specifies whether to stop the traversal or not. A value of true means to stop and return early, while a value of false means to continue traversing.

void if the callback function returns void, true if the callback returns bool and exited early, false if the callback function returns bool but didn't exit early.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the callback function.
The order of traversal is unspecified, though it is guaranteed that outer nodes will be visited before their own inner nodes that they contain.
Although it is const, this function is not thread-safe since it mutates an internal memory cache. Exclusive access is therefore required for safety.
See also

◆ test() [1/4]

template<typename T >
template<typename Callback >
auto donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::test ( vec2  point,
Callback &&  callback 
) const

Execute a callback function for each element in the tree that might contain a given point.

pointpoint to test.
callbackfunction to execute, which should accept the following parameter:
  • const T& element: a read-only reference to the element.

The callback function should return either void or a bool that specifies whether to stop the traversal or not. A value of true means to stop and return early, while a value of false means to continue traversing.

void if the callback function returns void, true if the callback returns bool and exited early, false if the callback function returns bool but didn't exit early.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the callback function.
The order of traversal is unspecified, though it is guaranteed that outer nodes will be visited before their own inner nodes that they contain.
Although it is const, this function is not thread-safe since it mutates an internal memory cache. Exclusive access is therefore required for safety.
See also

◆ test() [2/4]

template<typename T >
bool donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::test ( vec2  point) const

Check if it is possible that some element in the tree contains a given point.

pointpoint to test.
true if some element might contain the point, false otherwise.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
Although it is const, this function is not thread-safe since it mutates an internal memory cache. Exclusive access is therefore required for safety.
See also

◆ test() [3/4]

template<typename T >
template<typename Callback >
auto donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::test ( const Box< 2, float > &  box,
Callback &&  callback 
) const

Execute a callback function for each element in the tree that might be intersecting with a given axis-aligned box.

boxbox to test.
callbackfunction to execute, which should accept the following parameter:
  • const T& element: a read-only reference to the element.

The callback function should return either void or a bool that specifies whether to stop the traversal or not. A value of true means to stop and return early, while a value of false means to continue traversing.

void if the callback function returns void, true if the callback returns bool and exited early, false if the callback function returns bool but didn't exit early.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
anyexception thrown by the callback function.
The order of traversal is unspecified, though it is guaranteed that outer nodes will be visited before their own inner nodes that they contain.
Although it is const, this function is not thread-safe since it mutates an internal memory cache. Exclusive access is therefore required for safety.
See also

◆ test() [4/4]

template<typename T >
bool donut::LooseQuadtree< T >::test ( const Box< 2, float > &  box) const

Check if it is possible that some element in the tree is intersecting with a given axis-aligned box.

boxbox to test.
true if some element might be intersecting with the box, false otherwise.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.
Although it is const, this function is not thread-safe since it mutates an internal memory cache. Exclusive access is therefore required for safety.
See also

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