libdonut  2.3.2
Application framework for cross-platform game development in C++20
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donut::Variant< Ts > Class Template Reference

Tagged union value type that holds a value of one of the given types. More...

#include <donut/Variant.hpp>

Public Types

using index_type = std::conditional_t< sizeof...(Ts)< 255ull, std::uint8_t, std::conditional_t< sizeof...(Ts)< 65535ull, std::uint16_t, std::conditional_t< sizeof...(Ts)< 4294967295ull, std::uint32_t, std::uint64_t > >>
 Index type used to encode the active alternative type. More...

Public Member Functions

constexpr Variant () noexcept(std::is_nothrow_default_constructible_v< variant_alternative_t< 0, Variant >>) requires(HAS_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR)
 Default-construct a variant with the first variant alternative, if it is default-constructible. More...
template<typename U >
constexpr Variant (U &&value) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v< decltype(F(std::forward< U >(value)))>) requires(!std
 Converting constructor. More...
template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr Variant (std::in_place_type_t< T > type, Args &&... args) requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Construct a variant alternative in-place given its type. More...
constexpr Variant std::forward (args)...)
template<typename T , typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr Variant (std::in_place_type_t< T > type, std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args) requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Construct a variant alternative in-place given its type, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument. More...
constexpr Variant std::forward (args)...)
template<std::size_t Index, typename... Args>
constexpr Variant (std::in_place_index_t< Index > index, Args &&... args) requires(Index< sizeof...(Ts) &&std
 Construct a variant alternative in-place given its index. More...
template<std::size_t Index, typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr Variant (std::in_place_index_t< Index > index, std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args) requires(Index< sizeof...(Ts) &&std
 Construct a variant alternative in-place given its index, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument. More...
constexpr ~Variant ()
 Destructor. More...
constexpr ~Variant () requires(HAS_TRIVIAL_DESTRUCTOR)=default
 Trivial destructor. More...
constexpr Variant (const Variant &other) requires(!HAS_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR)=delete
 Deleted copy constructor. More...
constexpr Variant (const Variant &other) requires(HAS_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR &&HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR)=default
 Trivial copy constructor. More...
constexpr Variant (const Variant &other) requires(HAS_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR &&!HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR)
 Copy constructor. More...
constexpr Variant (Variant &&other) noexcept requires(HAS_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR &&HAS_TRIVIAL_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR)=default
 Trivial move constructor. More...
constexpr Variant (Variant &&other) noexcept((std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< Ts > &&...)) requires(HAS_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR &&!HAS_TRIVIAL_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR)
 Move constructor. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (const Variant &other) requires(!HAS_COPY_ASSIGNMENT)=delete
 Deleted copy assignment. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (const Variant &other) requires(HAS_COPY_ASSIGNMENT &&HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY_ASSIGNMENT)=default
 Trivial copy assignment. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (const Variant &other) requires(HAS_COPY_ASSIGNMENT &&!HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY_ASSIGNMENT)
 Copy assignment. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (Variant &&other) noexcept requires(HAS_MOVE_ASSIGNMENT &&HAS_TRIVIAL_MOVE_ASSIGNMENT)=default
 Trivial move assignment. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (Variant &&other) noexcept(((std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< Ts > &&//NOLINT(performance-noexcept-move-constructor, cppcoreguidelines-noexcept-move-operations) std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v< Ts >)&&...)) requires(HAS_MOVE_ASSIGNMENT &&!HAS_TRIVIAL_MOVE_ASSIGNMENT)
 Move assignment. More...
template<typename U >
constexpr Variantoperator= (U &&value) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_assignable_v< decltype(F(std::forward< U >(value)))&, U > &&std::is_nothrow_constructible_v< decltype(F(std::forward< U >(value))), U >) requires(!std
 Converting assignment. More...
template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr T & emplace (Args &&... args) requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Construct an alternative given its type, destroying the old value. More...
template<typename T , typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr T & emplace (std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args) requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Construct an alternative given its type, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument, destroying the old value. More...
template<std::size_t Index, typename... Args>
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & emplace (Args &&... args) requires(std
 Construct an alternative given its index, destroying the old value. More...
template<std::size_t Index, typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & emplace (std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args) requires(std
 Construct an alternative given its index, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument, destroying the old value. More...
constexpr void swap (Variant &other) noexcept(((std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< Ts > &&std::is_nothrow_swappable_v< Ts >)&&...))
 Swap this variant's value with that of another. More...
constexpr index_type index () const noexcept
 Get the alternative index of the currently active value held by the variant. More...
constexpr bool valueless_by_exception () const noexcept
 Check if the variant is in the valueless by exception state. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is () const noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Check if the variant currently holds the alternative with the given type. More...
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr bool is () const noexcept
 Check if the variant currently holds the alternative with the given index. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T & as () &noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check. More...
return as ()
template<typename T >
constexpr const T & as () const &noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check. More...
return as ()
template<typename T >
constexpr T && as () &&noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check. More...
return std::move (as< variant_index_v< T, Variant >>())
template<typename T >
constexpr const T && as () const &&noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check. More...
return std::move (as< variant_index_v< T, Variant >>())
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & as () &noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check. More...
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & as () const &noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check. More...
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > && as () &&noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check. More...
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > && as () const &&noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T & get () &requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr const T & get () const &requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T && get () &&requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr const T && get () const &&requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type. More...
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & get () &
 Access the underlying value with the given index. More...
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & get () const &
 Access the underlying value with the given index. More...
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > && get () &&
 Access the underlying value with the given index. More...
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > && get () const &&
 Access the underlying value with the given index. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T * get_if () noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type if it is the currently active alternative. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr const T * get_if () const noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type if it is the currently active alternative. More...
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > * get_if () noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index if it is the currently active alternative. More...
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > * get_if () const noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index if it is the currently active alternative. More...

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename Visitor , typename V >
static constexpr decltype(auto) visit (Visitor &&visitor, V &&variant)
 Call a visitor functor with the currently active underlying value of a variant. More...

Public Attributes

constexpr Variant Variant
constexpr Variant ilist
constexpr bool Variant
constexpr T Variant
constexpr const T Variant

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr index_type npos = sizeof...(Ts)
 Invalid alternative index, representing the valueless by exception state. More...


constexpr friend void swap (Variant &a, Variant &b) noexcept(noexcept(a.swap(b)))
 Swap the values of two variants. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename... Ts>
class donut::Variant< Ts >

Tagged union value type that holds a value of one of the given types.

Its API mimics that of std::variant, with some added convenience functions such as Variant::is(), Variant::as() and match().

Template Parameters
Tstype alternatives that can be held by the variant.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ index_type

template<typename... Ts>
using donut::Variant< Ts >::index_type = std::conditional_t<sizeof...(Ts) < 255ull, std::uint8_t, std::conditional_t<sizeof...(Ts) < 65535ull, std::uint16_t, std::conditional_t<sizeof...(Ts) < 4294967295ull, std::uint32_t, std::uint64_t> >>

Index type used to encode the active alternative type.

This is automatically sized to the smallest possible standard unsigned integer type that can represent all of the possible variant alternatives, including the valueless by exception state.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Variant() [1/11]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( )

Default-construct a variant with the first variant alternative, if it is default-constructible.

anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor of the first alternative type.

◆ Variant() [2/11]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename U >
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( U &&  value)

Converting constructor.

Chooses the variant alternative type to construct based on the overloading rules specified by std::variant.

valueunderlying value to construct the variant from. Must be convertible to one of the variant's listed alternative types.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor of the relevant alternative type.

◆ Variant() [3/11]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( std::in_place_type_t< T >  type,
Args &&...  args 

Construct a variant alternative in-place given its type.

typestd::in_place_type<T>, where T is the alternative type to construct, which must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
argsarguments to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor of the relevant alternative type.

◆ Variant() [4/11]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T , typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( std::in_place_type_t< T >  type,
std::initializer_list< U >  ilist,
Args &&...  args 

Construct a variant alternative in-place given its type, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument.

typestd::in_place_type<T>, where T is the alternative type to construct, which must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
ilistfirst argument to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
argssubsequent arguments to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor of the relevant alternative type.

◆ Variant() [5/11]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index, typename... Args>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( std::in_place_index_t< Index >  index,
Args &&...  args 
) &&

Construct a variant alternative in-place given its index.

indexstd::in_place_index<Index>, where Index is the alternative index to construct, which must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
argsarguments to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor of the relevant alternative type.

◆ Variant() [6/11]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index, typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( std::in_place_index_t< Index >  index,
std::initializer_list< U >  ilist,
Args &&...  args 
) &&

Construct a variant alternative in-place given its index, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument.

indexstd::in_place_index<Index>, where Index is the alternative index to construct, which must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
ilistfirst argument to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
argssubsequent arguments to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor of the relevant alternative type.

◆ ~Variant() [1/2]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::~Variant ( )


◆ ~Variant() [2/2]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::~Variant ( )

Trivial destructor.

◆ Variant() [7/11]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( const Variant< Ts > &  other)

Deleted copy constructor.

◆ Variant() [8/11]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( const Variant< Ts > &  other) &&

Trivial copy constructor.

◆ Variant() [9/11]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( const Variant< Ts > &  other) &&

Copy constructor.

◆ Variant() [10/11]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( Variant< Ts > &&  other) &&

Trivial move constructor.

◆ Variant() [11/11]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant ( Variant< Ts > &&  other) &&

Move constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ std::forward() [1/2]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr Variant donut::Variant< Ts >::std::forward ( args  )

◆ std::forward() [2/2]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr Variant donut::Variant< Ts >::std::forward ( args  )

◆ operator=() [1/6]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr Variant& donut::Variant< Ts >::operator= ( const Variant< Ts > &  other)

Deleted copy assignment.

◆ operator=() [2/6]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr Variant& donut::Variant< Ts >::operator= ( const Variant< Ts > &  other) &&

Trivial copy assignment.

◆ operator=() [3/6]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr Variant& donut::Variant< Ts >::operator= ( const Variant< Ts > &  other) &&

Copy assignment.

If an exception is thrown after the old value has been destroyed, the variant ends up in the valueless by exception state.

◆ operator=() [4/6]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr Variant& donut::Variant< Ts >::operator= ( Variant< Ts > &&  other) &&

Trivial move assignment.

◆ operator=() [5/6]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr Variant& donut::Variant< Ts >::operator= ( Variant< Ts > &&  other) &&

Move assignment.

If an exception is thrown after the old value has been destroyed, the variant ends up in the valueless by exception state.

◆ operator=() [6/6]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename U >
constexpr Variant& donut::Variant< Ts >::operator= ( U &&  value)

Converting assignment.

Chooses the variant alternative type to construct or assign based on the overloading rules specified by std::variant.

valueunderlying value to construct the new value with. Must be convertible to one of the variant's listed alternative types.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor or assignment of the relevant alternative type.
If an exception is thrown after the old value has been destroyed, the variant ends up in the valueless by exception state.

◆ emplace() [1/4]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr T& donut::Variant< Ts >::emplace ( Args &&...  args)

Construct an alternative given its type, destroying the old value.

Template Parameters
Tthe alternative type to construct. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
argsarguments to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor of the relevant alternative type.
If an exception is thrown after the old value has been destroyed, the variant ends up in the valueless by exception state.

◆ emplace() [2/4]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T , typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr T& donut::Variant< Ts >::emplace ( std::initializer_list< U >  ilist,
Args &&...  args 

Construct an alternative given its type, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument, destroying the old value.

Template Parameters
Tthe alternative type to construct. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
ilistfirst argument to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
argssubsequent arguments to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor of the relevant alternative type.
If an exception is thrown after the old value has been destroyed, the variant ends up in the valueless by exception state.

◆ emplace() [3/4]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index, typename... Args>
constexpr variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>& donut::Variant< Ts >::emplace ( Args &&...  args)

Construct an alternative given its index, destroying the old value.

Template Parameters
Indexthe alternative index to construct. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
argsarguments to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor of the relevant alternative type.
If an exception is thrown after the old value has been destroyed, the variant ends up in the valueless by exception state.

◆ emplace() [4/4]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index, typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>& donut::Variant< Ts >::emplace ( std::initializer_list< U >  ilist,
Args &&...  args 

Construct an alternative given its index, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument, destroying the old value.

Template Parameters
Indexthe alternative index to construct. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
ilistfirst argument to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
argssubsequent arguments to pass to the underlying value's constructor.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor of the relevant alternative type.
If an exception is thrown after the old value has been destroyed, the variant ends up in the valueless by exception state.

◆ swap()

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr void donut::Variant< Ts >::swap ( Variant< Ts > &  other)

Swap this variant's value with that of another.

othervariant to swap with.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor, assignment or swap implementation of the relevant alternative types.
If an exception is thrown after any value has been destroyed, and before it has been replaced with a new value, the associated variant ends up in the valueless by exception state.

◆ index()

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr index_type donut::Variant< Ts >::index ( ) const

Get the alternative index of the currently active value held by the variant.

the active alternative index, or npos if the variant is in the valueless by exception state.

◆ valueless_by_exception()

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr bool donut::Variant< Ts >::valueless_by_exception ( ) const

Check if the variant is in the valueless by exception state.

true if the variant is in the valueless by exception state, false otherwise.

◆ is() [1/2]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool donut::Variant< Ts >::is ( ) const

Check if the variant currently holds the alternative with the given type.

Template Parameters
Talternative type to check for. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
true if the variant holds a value of the given type, false otherwise.

◆ is() [2/2]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr bool donut::Variant< Ts >::is ( ) const

Check if the variant currently holds the alternative with the given index.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index to check for. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
true if the variant holds a value of the given alternative index, false otherwise.

◆ as() [1/10]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr T& donut::Variant< Ts >::as ( ) &

Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the currently active value to get. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
a reference to the value held by the variant.
The behavior of accessing the underlying value using the incorrect alternative type which is not currently active is undefined. The active alternative type must be known in advance in order to use this function safely, for example by checking if the variant contains the expected alternative using the is() function.
Rather than using this function in conjunction with is(), it is usually more appropriate to use get() or to call get_if() and make sure that the returned pointer is not nullptr. This function is only meant for the cases where it is absolutely certain which alternative the variant currently holds.
See also

◆ as() [2/10]

template<typename... Ts>
return donut::Variant< Ts >::as ( )

◆ as() [3/10]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr const T& donut::Variant< Ts >::as ( ) const &

Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the currently active value to get. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
a read-only reference to the value held by the variant.
The behavior of accessing the underlying value using the incorrect alternative type which is not currently active is undefined. The active alternative type must be known in advance in order to use this function safely, for example by checking if the variant contains the expected alternative using the is() function.
Rather than using this function in conjunction with is(), it is usually more appropriate to use get() or to call get_if() and make sure that the returned pointer is not nullptr. This function is only meant for the cases where it is absolutely certain which alternative the variant currently holds.
See also

◆ as() [4/10]

template<typename... Ts>
return donut::Variant< Ts >::as ( )

◆ as() [5/10]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr T&& donut::Variant< Ts >::as ( ) &&

Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the currently active value to get. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
an rvalue reference to the value held by the variant.
The behavior of accessing the underlying value using the incorrect alternative type which is not currently active is undefined. The active alternative type must be known in advance in order to use this function safely, for example by checking if the variant contains the expected alternative using the is() function.
Rather than using this function in conjunction with is(), it is usually more appropriate to use get() or to call get_if() and make sure that the returned pointer is not nullptr. This function is only meant for the cases where it is absolutely certain which alternative the variant currently holds.
See also

◆ std::move() [1/2]

template<typename... Ts>
return donut::Variant< Ts >::std::move ( as< variant_index_v< T, Variant< Ts > >>  ())

◆ as() [6/10]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr const T&& donut::Variant< Ts >::as ( ) const &&

Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the currently active value to get. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
a read-only rvalue reference to the value held by the variant.
The behavior of accessing the underlying value using the incorrect alternative type which is not currently active is undefined. The active alternative type must be known in advance in order to use this function safely, for example by checking if the variant contains the expected alternative using the is() function.
Rather than using this function in conjunction with is(), it is usually more appropriate to use get() or to call get_if() and make sure that the returned pointer is not nullptr. This function is only meant for the cases where it is absolutely certain which alternative the variant currently holds.
See also

◆ std::move() [2/2]

template<typename... Ts>
return donut::Variant< Ts >::std::move ( as< variant_index_v< T, Variant< Ts > >>  ())

◆ as() [7/10]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>& donut::Variant< Ts >::as ( ) &

Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index of the currently active value to get. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
a reference to the value held by the variant.
The behavior of accessing the underlying value using the incorrect alternative type which is not currently active is undefined. The active alternative type must be known in advance in order to use this function safely, for example by checking if the variant contains the expected alternative using the is() function.
Rather than using this function in conjunction with is(), it is usually more appropriate to use get() or to call get_if() and make sure that the returned pointer is not nullptr. This function is only meant for the cases where it is absolutely certain which alternative the variant currently holds.
See also

◆ as() [8/10]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr const variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>& donut::Variant< Ts >::as ( ) const &

Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index of the currently active value to get. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
a read-only reference to the value held by the variant.
The behavior of accessing the underlying value using the incorrect alternative type which is not currently active is undefined. The active alternative type must be known in advance in order to use this function safely, for example by checking if the variant contains the expected alternative using the is() function.
Rather than using this function in conjunction with is(), it is usually more appropriate to use get() or to call get_if() and make sure that the returned pointer is not nullptr. This function is only meant for the cases where it is absolutely certain which alternative the variant currently holds.
See also

◆ as() [9/10]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>&& donut::Variant< Ts >::as ( ) &&

Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index of the currently active value to get. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
an rvalue reference to the value held by the variant.
The behavior of accessing the underlying value using the incorrect alternative type which is not currently active is undefined. The active alternative type must be known in advance in order to use this function safely, for example by checking if the variant contains the expected alternative using the is() function.
Rather than using this function in conjunction with is(), it is usually more appropriate to use get() or to call get_if() and make sure that the returned pointer is not nullptr. This function is only meant for the cases where it is absolutely certain which alternative the variant currently holds.
See also

◆ as() [10/10]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr const variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>&& donut::Variant< Ts >::as ( ) const &&

Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index of the currently active value to get. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
a read-only rvalue reference to the value held by the variant.
The behavior of accessing the underlying value using the incorrect alternative type which is not currently active is undefined. The active alternative type must be known in advance in order to use this function safely, for example by checking if the variant contains the expected alternative using the is() function.
Rather than using this function in conjunction with is(), it is usually more appropriate to use get() or to call get_if() and make sure that the returned pointer is not nullptr. This function is only meant for the cases where it is absolutely certain which alternative the variant currently holds.
See also

◆ get() [1/8]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr T& donut::Variant< Ts >::get ( ) &

Access the underlying value with the given type.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the currently active value to get. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
a reference to the value held by the variant.
BadVariantAccessif the variant does not currently hold a value of the given type.
See also

◆ get() [2/8]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr const T& donut::Variant< Ts >::get ( ) const &

Access the underlying value with the given type.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the currently active value to get. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
a read-only reference to the value held by the variant.
BadVariantAccessif the variant does not currently hold a value of the given type.
See also

◆ get() [3/8]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr T&& donut::Variant< Ts >::get ( ) &&

Access the underlying value with the given type.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the currently active value to get. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
an rvalue reference to the value held by the variant.
BadVariantAccessif the variant does not currently hold a value of the given type.
See also

◆ get() [4/8]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr const T&& donut::Variant< Ts >::get ( ) const &&

Access the underlying value with the given type.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the currently active value to get. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
a read-only rvalue reference to the value held by the variant.
BadVariantAccessif the variant does not currently hold a value of the given type.
See also

◆ get() [5/8]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>& donut::Variant< Ts >::get ( ) &

Access the underlying value with the given index.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index of the currently active value to get. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
a reference to the value held by the variant.
BadVariantAccessif the variant does not currently hold the given alternative.
See also

◆ get() [6/8]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr const variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>& donut::Variant< Ts >::get ( ) const &

Access the underlying value with the given index.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index of the currently active value to get. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
a read-only reference to the value held by the variant.
BadVariantAccessif the variant does not currently hold the given alternative.
See also

◆ get() [7/8]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>&& donut::Variant< Ts >::get ( ) &&

Access the underlying value with the given index.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index of the currently active value to get. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
an rvalue reference to the value held by the variant.
BadVariantAccessif the variant does not currently hold the given alternative.
See also

◆ get() [8/8]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr const variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>&& donut::Variant< Ts >::get ( ) const &&

Access the underlying value with the given index.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index of the currently active value to get. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
a read-only rvalue reference to the value held by the variant.
BadVariantAccessif the variant does not currently hold the given alternative.
See also

◆ get_if() [1/4]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr T* donut::Variant< Ts >::get_if ( )

Access the underlying value with the given type if it is the currently active alternative.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the value to get. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
a non-owning pointer to the value held by the variant, or nullptr if the variant does not currently hold a value of the given type.
See also

◆ get_if() [2/4]

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename T >
constexpr const T* donut::Variant< Ts >::get_if ( ) const

Access the underlying value with the given type if it is the currently active alternative.

Template Parameters
Ttype of the value to get. Must be one of the variant's listed alternative types.
a non-owning read-only pointer to the value held by the variant, or nullptr if the variant does not currently hold a value of the given type.
See also

◆ get_if() [3/4]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>* donut::Variant< Ts >::get_if ( )

Access the underlying value with the given index if it is the currently active alternative.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index of the value to get. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
a non-owning pointer to the value held by the variant, or nullptr if the variant does not currently hold the given alternative.
See also

◆ get_if() [4/4]

template<typename... Ts>
template<std::size_t Index>
constexpr const variant_alternative_t<Index, Variant>* donut::Variant< Ts >::get_if ( ) const

Access the underlying value with the given index if it is the currently active alternative.

Template Parameters
Indexalternative index of the value to get. Must be within the range of the variant's list of alternative types.
a non-owning read-only pointer to the value held by the variant, or nullptr if the variant does not currently hold the given alternative.
See also

◆ visit()

template<typename... Ts>
template<typename Visitor , typename V >
static constexpr decltype(auto) donut::Variant< Ts >::visit ( Visitor &&  visitor,
V &&  variant 

Call a visitor functor with the currently active underlying value of a variant.

visitorcallable object that is overloaded to accept any of the variant alternatives as a parameter.
variantvariant whose underlying value to pass to the visitor.
the result of calling the visitor with the currently active variant alternative value.
BadVariantAccessif the variant is in the valueless by exception state.
anyexception thrown by the visitor.
See also

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ swap

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr friend void swap ( Variant< Ts > &  a,
Variant< Ts > &  b 

Swap the values of two variants.

afirst variant.
bsecond variant.
anyexception thrown by the underlying constructor, assignment or swap implementation of the relevant alternative types.
If an exception is thrown after any value has been destroyed, and before it has been replaced with a new value, the associated variant ends up in the valueless by exception state.

Member Data Documentation

◆ npos

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr index_type donut::Variant< Ts >::npos = sizeof...(Ts)

Invalid alternative index, representing the valueless by exception state.

◆ Variant [1/4]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr const T donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant
Initial value:

◆ ilist

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr Variant donut::Variant< Ts >::ilist

◆ Variant [2/4]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr bool donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant
Initial value:
return activeTypeIndex == variant_index_v<T, Variant>

◆ Variant [3/4]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr T donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant
Initial value:

◆ Variant [4/4]

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr const T donut::Variant< Ts >::Variant
Initial value:

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