libdonut  2.3.2
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donut::graphics::Texture Class Reference

Storage for multidimensional data, such as 2D images, on the GPU, combined with a sampler configuration that defines how to render the stored data. More...

#include <donut/graphics/Texture.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 Texture () noexcept=default
 Construct an empty texture without a value. More...
 Texture (TextureFormat internalFormat, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, PixelFormat pixelFormat, PixelComponentType pixelComponentType, const void *pixels, const TextureOptions &options={})
 Create a new texture object and allocate GPU memory for storing 2D image data. More...
 Texture (TextureFormat internalFormat, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, std::size_t depth, PixelFormat pixelFormat, PixelComponentType pixelComponentType, const void *pixels, const TextureOptions &options={})
 Create a new texture object and allocate GPU memory for storing an array of layers of 2D image data. More...
 Texture (TextureFormat internalFormat, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, const TextureOptions &options={})
 Create a new texture object and allocate uninitialized GPU memory for storing 2D image data. More...
 Texture (TextureFormat internalFormat, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, std::size_t depth, const TextureOptions &options={})
 Create a new texture object and allocate uninitialized GPU memory for storing an array of layers of 2D image data. More...
 Texture (const ImageView &image, const TextureOptions &options={})
 Create a new texture object and allocate GPU memory for storing 2D image data loaded from an image. More...
 operator bool () const noexcept
 Check if the texture has a value. More...
void setOptions2D (const TextureOptions &newOptions)
 Apply a new configuration of texture/sampler options to the 2D texture. More...
void setOptions2DArray (const TextureOptions &newOptions)
 Apply a new configuration of texture/sampler options to the 2D array texture. More...
void pasteImage2D (std::size_t width, std::size_t height, PixelFormat pixelFormat, PixelComponentType pixelComponentType, const void *pixels, std::size_t x, std::size_t y)
 Copy 2D image data into the 2D texture at a specific position. More...
void pasteImage2D (const ImageView &image, std::size_t x, std::size_t y)
 Copy a 2D image into the 2D texture at a specific position. More...
void pasteImage2DArray (std::size_t width, std::size_t height, std::size_t depth, PixelFormat pixelFormat, PixelComponentType pixelComponentType, const void *pixels, std::size_t x, std::size_t y, std::size_t z)
 Copy an array of layers of 2D image data into the 2D array texture at a specific position. More...
void pasteImage2DArray (const ImageView &image, std::size_t x, std::size_t y, std::size_t z)
 Copy a 2D image into the 2D array texture at a specific position. More...
void fill2D (Renderer &renderer, Color color)
 Fill the entire allocated 2D texture data with pixels of the given color. More...
void grow2D (Renderer &renderer, std::size_t newWidth, std::size_t newHeight, std::optional< Color > backgroundColor={})
 Expand the allocated 2D texture data by allocating larger texture storage and copying the old texture image onto the bottom left corner of the new texture. More...
Texture copy2D (Renderer &renderer) const
 Create a new texture object and allocate GPU memory onto which the 2D image data of this 2D texture is copied. More...
Texture copyGrow2D (Renderer &renderer, std::size_t newWidth, std::size_t newHeight, std::optional< Color > backgroundColor={}) const
 Create a new texture object and allocate GPU memory in an expanded version of this texture onto which the 2D texture data of this 2D texture is copied. More...
vec2 getSize2D () const noexcept
 Get the floating-point size, in texels, of the 2D image data stored in this texture. More...
TextureFormat getInternalFormat () const noexcept
 Get the internal texel format of this texture. More...
std::size_t getWidth () const noexcept
 Get the width, in texels, of the 2D image data stored in this texture. More...
std::size_t getHeight () const noexcept
 Get the height, in texels, of the 2D image data stored in this texture. More...
const TextureOptionsgetOptions () const noexcept
 Get the configuration options of this texture and its associated sampler. More...
Handle get () const noexcept
 Get an opaque handle to the GPU representation of the texture. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::size_t getChannelCount (TextureFormat internalFormat) noexcept
 Get the number of texel component channels defined by an internal texel format. More...
static PixelFormat getPixelFormat (TextureFormat internalFormat) noexcept
 Get a description of the pixel format that corresponds to the texel format of an internal texture format. More...
static PixelComponentType getPixelComponentType (TextureFormat internalFormat) noexcept
 Get a description of the pixel component type that corresponds to the texel component type of an internal texture format. More...
static TextureFormat getInternalFormat (PixelFormat pixelFormat, PixelComponentType pixelComponentType) noexcept
 Get the internal texture format that correspons to an image format. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const Texture *const TRANSPARENT
 Pointer to the statically allocated storage for the built-in transparent 2D texture. More...
static const Texture *const BLACK
 Pointer to the statically allocated storage for the built-in black 2D texture. More...
static const Texture *const WHITE
 Pointer to the statically allocated storage for the built-in white 2D texture. More...
static const Texture *const DEFAULT_SPECULAR
 Pointer to the statically allocated storage for the built-in default specular-map 2D texture. More...
static const Texture *const DEFAULT_NORMAL
 Pointer to the statically allocated storage for the built-in default normal-map 2D texture. More...

Detailed Description

Storage for multidimensional data, such as 2D images, on the GPU, combined with a sampler configuration that defines how to render the stored data.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Texture() [1/6]

donut::graphics::Texture::Texture ( )

Construct an empty texture without a value.

◆ Texture() [2/6]

donut::graphics::Texture::Texture ( TextureFormat  internalFormat,
std::size_t  width,
std::size_t  height,
PixelFormat  pixelFormat,
PixelComponentType  pixelComponentType,
const void *  pixels,
const TextureOptions options = {} 

Create a new texture object and allocate GPU memory for storing 2D image data.

internalFormatinternal texel format of the new texture.
widthwidth of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels.
heightheight of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels.
pixelFormatpixel format of the input image.
pixelComponentTypepixel component type of the input image.
pixelsnon-owning read-only pointer to the pixel data of the input image to copy into the new texture data storage, or nullptr to leave the data uninitialized.
optionstexture/sampler options, see TextureOptions.
graphics::Erroron failure to create the texture object.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure. Note: this pertains only to CPU memory allocations. Failure to allocate GPU memory for the texture data might not be reported directly.
If not nullptr, the pixel data pointed to by the pixels parameter must be of the shape and format described by the width, height, format and type parameters.
For uninitialized data, consider using the Texture(TextureFormat, std::size_t, std::size_t, const TextureOptions&) overload instead of passing nullptr to the pixels parameter.

◆ Texture() [3/6]

donut::graphics::Texture::Texture ( TextureFormat  internalFormat,
std::size_t  width,
std::size_t  height,
std::size_t  depth,
PixelFormat  pixelFormat,
PixelComponentType  pixelComponentType,
const void *  pixels,
const TextureOptions options = {} 

Create a new texture object and allocate GPU memory for storing an array of layers of 2D image data.

internalFormatinternal texel format of the new texture.
widthwidth of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels.
heightheight of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels.
depthnumber of 2D image layers to allocate for the array.
pixelFormatpixel format of the input image array.
pixelComponentTypepixel component type of the input image array.
pixelsnon-owning read-only pointer to the pixel data of the input image array to copy into the new texture data storage, or nullptr to leave the data uninitialized.
optionstexture/sampler options, see TextureOptions.
graphics::Erroron failure to create the texture object.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure. Note: this pertains only to CPU memory allocations. Failure to allocate GPU memory for the texture data might not be reported directly.
If not nullptr, the pixel data array pointed to by the pixels parameter must be of the shape and format described by the width, height, depth, format and type parameters.
For uninitialized data, consider using the Texture(TextureFormat, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, const TextureOptions&) overload instead of passing nullptr to the pixels parameter.

◆ Texture() [4/6]

donut::graphics::Texture::Texture ( TextureFormat  internalFormat,
std::size_t  width,
std::size_t  height,
const TextureOptions options = {} 

Create a new texture object and allocate uninitialized GPU memory for storing 2D image data.

internalFormatinternal texel format of the new texture.
widthwidth of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels.
heightheight of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels.
optionstexture/sampler options, see TextureOptions.
graphics::Erroron failure to create the texture object.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure. Note: this pertains only to CPU memory allocations. Failure to allocate GPU memory for the texture data might not be reported directly.

◆ Texture() [5/6]

donut::graphics::Texture::Texture ( TextureFormat  internalFormat,
std::size_t  width,
std::size_t  height,
std::size_t  depth,
const TextureOptions options = {} 

Create a new texture object and allocate uninitialized GPU memory for storing an array of layers of 2D image data.

internalFormatinternal texel format of the new texture.
widthwidth of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels.
heightheight of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels.
depthnumber of 2D image layers to allocate for the array.
optionstexture/sampler options, see TextureOptions.
graphics::Erroron failure to create the texture object.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure. Note: this pertains only to CPU memory allocations. Failure to allocate GPU memory for the texture data might not be reported directly.

◆ Texture() [6/6]

donut::graphics::Texture::Texture ( const ImageView image,
const TextureOptions options = {} 

Create a new texture object and allocate GPU memory for storing 2D image data loaded from an image.

imagenon-owning read-only view over the image to copy into the new texture data storage. The allocated storage will be sized to fit the image.
optionstexture/sampler options, see TextureOptions.
graphics::Erroron failure to create the texture object, or on failure to choose an appropriate internal texel format for the given image.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure. Note: this pertains only to CPU memory allocations. Failure to allocate GPU memory for the texture data might not be reported directly.
A suitable internal texel format is chosen automatically based on the pixel format of the image. To choose the internal format manually, use the Texture(TextureFormat, std::size_t, std::size_t, PixelFormat, PixelComponentType, const void*, const TextureOptions&) overload instead.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getChannelCount()

static std::size_t donut::graphics::Texture::getChannelCount ( TextureFormat  internalFormat)

Get the number of texel component channels defined by an internal texel format.

internalFormatthe format to get the number of channels of.
the number of channels in the given format.

◆ getPixelFormat()

static PixelFormat donut::graphics::Texture::getPixelFormat ( TextureFormat  internalFormat)

Get a description of the pixel format that corresponds to the texel format of an internal texture format.

internalFormatthe internal texel format to get the pixel format of.
the corresponding pixel format.

◆ getPixelComponentType()

static PixelComponentType donut::graphics::Texture::getPixelComponentType ( TextureFormat  internalFormat)

Get a description of the pixel component type that corresponds to the texel component type of an internal texture format.

internalFormatthe internal texel format to get the component type of.
the corresponding pixel component type.

◆ getInternalFormat() [1/2]

static TextureFormat donut::graphics::Texture::getInternalFormat ( PixelFormat  pixelFormat,
PixelComponentType  pixelComponentType 

Get the internal texture format that correspons to an image format.

pixelFormatthe pixel format of the image format.
pixelComponentTypethe pixel component type of the image format.
the corresponding texture format.

◆ operator bool()

donut::graphics::Texture::operator bool ( ) const

Check if the texture has a value.

true if the texture has a value, false otherwise.

◆ setOptions2D()

void donut::graphics::Texture::setOptions2D ( const TextureOptions newOptions)

Apply a new configuration of texture/sampler options to the 2D texture.

newOptionsthe new options to apply.
This function must only be called on textures that are set up to store 2D image data.

◆ setOptions2DArray()

void donut::graphics::Texture::setOptions2DArray ( const TextureOptions newOptions)

Apply a new configuration of texture/sampler options to the 2D array texture.

newOptionsthe new options to apply.
This function must only be called on textures that are set up to store an array of layers of 2D image data.

◆ pasteImage2D() [1/2]

void donut::graphics::Texture::pasteImage2D ( std::size_t  width,
std::size_t  height,
PixelFormat  pixelFormat,
PixelComponentType  pixelComponentType,
const void *  pixels,
std::size_t  x,
std::size_t  y 

Copy 2D image data into the 2D texture at a specific position.

widthwidth of the 2D image data to copy, in pixels.
heightheight of the 2D image data to copy, in pixels.
pixelFormatpixel format of the input image.
pixelComponentTypepixel component type of the input image.
pixelsnon-owning read-only pointer to the pixel data of the input image to copy into the existing texture data storage. Must not be nullptr.
xthe horizontal offset, in texels, from the left edge of the texture at which to paste the image, where the left edge of the pasted image will begin.
ythe vertical offset, in texels, from the bottom edge of the texture at which to paste the image, where the bottom edge of the pasted image will begin.
This function must only be called on textures that are set up to store 2D image data.
The pixel data pointed to by the pixels parameter must be of the shape and format described by the width, height, pixelFormat and pixelComponentType parameters.
Enough space must be allocated in the texture for the full image to fit at the given position.

◆ pasteImage2D() [2/2]

void donut::graphics::Texture::pasteImage2D ( const ImageView image,
std::size_t  x,
std::size_t  y 

Copy a 2D image into the 2D texture at a specific position.

imagenon-owning read-only view over the image to copy into the existing texture data storage.
xthe horizontal offset, in texels, from the left edge of the texture at which to paste the image, where the left edge of the pasted image will begin.
ythe vertical offset, in texels, from the bottom edge of the texture at which to paste the image, where the bottom edge of the pasted image will begin.
This function must only be called on textures that are set up to store 2D image data.
Enough space must be allocated in the texture for the full image to fit at the given position.

◆ pasteImage2DArray() [1/2]

void donut::graphics::Texture::pasteImage2DArray ( std::size_t  width,
std::size_t  height,
std::size_t  depth,
PixelFormat  pixelFormat,
PixelComponentType  pixelComponentType,
const void *  pixels,
std::size_t  x,
std::size_t  y,
std::size_t  z 

Copy an array of layers of 2D image data into the 2D array texture at a specific position.

widthwidth of the 2D image data to copy, in pixels.
heightheight of the 2D image data to copy, in pixels.
depthnumber of 2D image layers in the array to copy.
pixelFormatpixel format of the input image.
pixelComponentTypepixel component type of the input image.
pixelsnon-owning read-only pointer to the pixel data of the input image array to copy into the existing texture data storage. Must not be nullptr.
xthe horizontal offset, in texels, from the left edge of the texture at which to paste the image array, where the left edge of the pasted image array will begin.
ythe vertical offset, in texels, from the bottom edge of the texture at which to paste the image array, where the bottom edge of the pasted image array will begin.
zthe depth offset, in texels, from the first layer of the texture at which to paste the image array, where the first pasted image will begin.
This function must only be called on textures that are set up to store arrays of layers of 2D image data.
The pixel data pointed to by the pixels parameter must be of the shape and format described by the width, height, depth, pixelFormat and pixelComponentType parameters.
Enough space must be allocated in the texture for the full image array to fit at the given position.

◆ pasteImage2DArray() [2/2]

void donut::graphics::Texture::pasteImage2DArray ( const ImageView image,
std::size_t  x,
std::size_t  y,
std::size_t  z 

Copy a 2D image into the 2D array texture at a specific position.

imagenon-owning read-only view over the image to copy into the existing texture data storage.
xthe horizontal offset, in texels, from the left edge of the texture at which to paste the image, where the left edge of the pasted image will begin.
ythe vertical offset, in texels, from the bottom edge of the texture at which to paste the image, where the bottom edge of the pasted image will begin.
zthe depth offset, in texels, from the first layer of the texture at which to paste the image.
This function must only be called on textures that are set up to store arrays of layers of 2D image data.
Enough space must be allocated in the texture for the full image to fit at the given position.

◆ fill2D()

void donut::graphics::Texture::fill2D ( Renderer renderer,
Color  color 

Fill the entire allocated 2D texture data with pixels of the given color.

rendererrenderer to use for filling the texture.
colorcolor to fill the texture with.
This function must only be called on textures that are set up to store 2D image data.
The internal texture format must be framebuffer-compatible.

◆ grow2D()

void donut::graphics::Texture::grow2D ( Renderer renderer,
std::size_t  newWidth,
std::size_t  newHeight,
std::optional< Color backgroundColor = {} 

Expand the allocated 2D texture data by allocating larger texture storage and copying the old texture image onto the bottom left corner of the new texture.

rendererrenderer to use for copying the texture data.
newWidthnew width of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels. Must be greater than or equal to the old width.
newHeightnew height of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels. Must be greater than or equal to the old height.
backgroundColorif set, the new texture data is cleared to this color before copying the old data onto it.
This function must only be called on textures that are set up to store 2D image data.
The internal texture format must be framebuffer-compatible.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure. Note: this pertains only to CPU memory allocations. Failure to allocate GPU memory for the texture data might not be reported directly.
See also

◆ copy2D()

Texture donut::graphics::Texture::copy2D ( Renderer renderer) const

Create a new texture object and allocate GPU memory onto which the 2D image data of this 2D texture is copied.

rendererrenderer to use for copying the texture data.
the new copied texture.
This function must only be called on textures that are set up to store 2D image data.
The internal texture format must be framebuffer-compatible.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure. Note: this pertains only to CPU memory allocations. Failure to allocate GPU memory for the texture data might not be reported directly.
See also

◆ copyGrow2D()

Texture donut::graphics::Texture::copyGrow2D ( Renderer renderer,
std::size_t  newWidth,
std::size_t  newHeight,
std::optional< Color backgroundColor = {} 
) const

Create a new texture object and allocate GPU memory in an expanded version of this texture onto which the 2D texture data of this 2D texture is copied.

rendererrenderer to use for copying the texture data.
newWidthnew width of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels. Must be greater than or equal to the old width.
newHeightnew height of the 2D image data to allocate, in texels. Must be greater than or equal to the old height.
backgroundColorif set, the new texture data is cleared to this color before copying the old data onto it.
the new expanded copied texture.
This function must only be called on textures that are set up to store 2D image data.
The internal texture format must be framebuffer-compatible.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure. Note: this pertains only to CPU memory allocations. Failure to allocate GPU memory for the texture data might not be reported directly.
See also

◆ getSize2D()

vec2 donut::graphics::Texture::getSize2D ( ) const

Get the floating-point size, in texels, of the 2D image data stored in this texture.

a 2D vector representing the width and height of the texture, in texels, or (0, 0) if the texture does not have a value.
For 2D array textures, this function returns the width and height of a single image layer in the array.
See also

◆ getInternalFormat() [2/2]

TextureFormat donut::graphics::Texture::getInternalFormat ( ) const

Get the internal texel format of this texture.

the internal texel format, or TextureFormat::R8_UNORM if the texture does not have a value.

◆ getWidth()

std::size_t donut::graphics::Texture::getWidth ( ) const

Get the width, in texels, of the 2D image data stored in this texture.

the width of the texture, in texels, or 0 if the texture does not have a value.
For 2D array textures, this function returns the width of a single image layer in the array.
See also

◆ getHeight()

std::size_t donut::graphics::Texture::getHeight ( ) const

Get the height, in texels, of the 2D image data stored in this texture.

the height of the texture, in texels, or 0 if the texture does not have a value.
For 2D array textures, this function returns the height of a single image layer in the array.
See also

◆ getOptions()

const TextureOptions& donut::graphics::Texture::getOptions ( ) const

Get the configuration options of this texture and its associated sampler.

a read-only reference to the internal texture options, valid until the texture is moved from or destroyed.

◆ get()

Handle donut::graphics::Texture::get ( ) const

Get an opaque handle to the GPU representation of the texture.

a non-owning resource handle to the GPU representation of the texture.
This function is used internally by the implementations of various abstractions and is not intended to be used outside of the graphics module. The returned handle has no meaning to application code.

Member Data Documentation


const Texture* const donut::graphics::Texture::TRANSPARENT

Pointer to the statically allocated storage for the built-in transparent 2D texture.

This pointer must not be dereferenced in application code. It is not guaranteed that the underlying texture will be present at all times.


const Texture* const donut::graphics::Texture::BLACK

Pointer to the statically allocated storage for the built-in black 2D texture.

This pointer must not be dereferenced in application code. It is not guaranteed that the underlying texture will be present at all times.


const Texture* const donut::graphics::Texture::WHITE

Pointer to the statically allocated storage for the built-in white 2D texture.

This pointer must not be dereferenced in application code. It is not guaranteed that the underlying texture will be present at all times.


const Texture* const donut::graphics::Texture::DEFAULT_SPECULAR

Pointer to the statically allocated storage for the built-in default specular-map 2D texture.

This pointer must not be dereferenced in application code. It is not guaranteed that the underlying texture will be present at all times.


const Texture* const donut::graphics::Texture::DEFAULT_NORMAL

Pointer to the statically allocated storage for the built-in default normal-map 2D texture.

This pointer must not be dereferenced in application code. It is not guaranteed that the underlying texture will be present at all times.

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