libdonut  2.3.2
Application framework for cross-platform game development in C++20
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
donut::application::Application Class Reference

Main application base class. More...

#include <donut/application/Application.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 Application (const ApplicationOptions &options={})
 Construct the base of the main application. More...
virtual ~Application ()=default
 Virtual destructor which must be overridden by the concrete application class in order to perform any application-specific cleanup before shutdown. More...
void run ()
 Start the main loop of the application and keep running until the application quits or an unhandled exception is thrown. More...
virtual void quit ()
 Initiate the shutdown process, meaning that the current frame will be the last to be processed and displayed before the main loop ends. More...
bool isRunning () const noexcept
 Check if the application is currently running, meaning that it is fully initialized, that run() has been called and has started the main loop, and that it is not in the process of shutting down. More...
unsigned getLastSecondFrameCount () const noexcept
 Get the number of frames displayed during the last measured second of the application's run time, which approximates the average frame rate. More...
void setFrameRateParameters (float tickRate, float minFrameRate, float maxFrameRate)
 Set the frame rate parameters of the application. More...
void setFrameRateLimiterSleepEnabled (bool frameRateLimiterSleepEnabled)
 Enable or disable frame rate limiter sleep. More...
void setFrameRateLimiterSleepBias (std::chrono::steady_clock::duration frameRateLimiterSleepBias)
 Set the frame rate limiter sleep bias. More...
TickInfo getLatestTickInfo () const noexcept
 Get information about the latest tick. More...
FrameInfo getLatestFrameInfo () const noexcept
 Get information about the latest frame. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void update (FrameInfo frameInfo)
 Per-frame update callback, called in the main loop once at the beginning of each frame, before processing ticks. More...
virtual void tick (TickInfo tickInfo)
 Fixed-rate tick callback, called in the main loop 0 or more times during tick processing, which happens on each frame after calling update() and before calling display(). More...
virtual void display (TickInfo tickInfo, FrameInfo frameInfo)
 Frame rendering callback, called in the main loop once at the end of each frame after processing ticks, in order to render the latest state of the application. More...

Detailed Description

Main application base class.

The application controls the main loop, including frame pacing and fixed-interval frame rate-independent tick updates.

Concrete applications should derive from this class and implement the associated virtual functions in order to receive all of the relevant callbacks. Deriving from this class also ensures that it is constructed before any code in the concrete application is executed, which means that any global systems will be properly initialized before any code that may depend on them is able to run, assuming all user code is constrained to being called from an instance of the concrete application class.

example_game.cpp, and example_rectangle.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Application()

donut::application::Application::Application ( const ApplicationOptions options = {})

Construct the base of the main application.

optionsinitial configuration of the application, see ApplicationOptions.

◆ ~Application()

virtual donut::application::Application::~Application ( )

Virtual destructor which must be overridden by the concrete application class in order to perform any application-specific cleanup before shutdown.

May also be overridden implicitly by the compiler-generated destructor of the derived class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ run()

void donut::application::Application::run ( )

Start the main loop of the application and keep running until the application quits or an unhandled exception is thrown.

Under emscripten-based WebAssembly builds, this function will never return. Instead, it explicitly calls the virtual application destructor in order to perform any necessary cleanup when the main loop has ended. It is therefore expected that any application- specific cleanup or shutdown code be called from the overriden destructor, rather than being called from main after run() has finished.
anyunhandled exception which was thrown during the execution of the main loop, unless running under emscripten, in which case exceptions are simply printed before shutting down.
The intended usage of this function is to call it once at the end of main function of the program as the last code to be executed, save for any catch blocks that are specific to non-emscripten builds.
The result of calling this function while the application is already running is undefined.

◆ quit()

virtual void donut::application::Application::quit ( )

Initiate the shutdown process, meaning that the current frame will be the last to be processed and displayed before the main loop ends.

This method may be overridden by the concrete application to intercept requests to quit and perform application-specific processing before deciding whether to actually quit or not by either calling the base implementation or choosing to ignore the request.

anyexception thrown by the concrete implementation.
example_game.cpp, and example_rectangle.cpp.

◆ isRunning()

bool donut::application::Application::isRunning ( ) const

Check if the application is currently running, meaning that it is fully initialized, that run() has been called and has started the main loop, and that it is not in the process of shutting down.

true if the application is currently running, false otherwise.

◆ getLastSecondFrameCount()

unsigned donut::application::Application::getLastSecondFrameCount ( ) const

Get the number of frames displayed during the last measured second of the application's run time, which approximates the average frame rate.

This is measured automatically by counting the number of frames displayed between each second that passes while the application is running.

the number of frames displayed during the last second that was measured, or 0 if less than one full second has passed since the start of the application.
This approximation of the frame rate does not update frequently enough to be used as an accurate time delta between frames. Use the values that are supplied in the FrameInfo struct to each relevant callback for this purpose instead.

◆ setFrameRateParameters()

void donut::application::Application::setFrameRateParameters ( float  tickRate,
float  minFrameRate,
float  maxFrameRate 

Set the frame rate parameters of the application.

tickRatedesired tick rate of the application, in hertz (ticks per second). Set to 0 or a negative value for no ticks.
minFrameRateminimum frame rate of the application, in hertz (frames per second), before tick slowdown occurs.
maxFrameRatemaximum frame rate of the application, in hertz (frames per second), before frames are delayed. Set to 0 or a negative value for no frame rate limit.
See also

◆ setFrameRateLimiterSleepEnabled()

void donut::application::Application::setFrameRateLimiterSleepEnabled ( bool  frameRateLimiterSleepEnabled)

Enable or disable frame rate limiter sleep.

frameRateLimiterSleepEnabledtrue to enable frame rate limiter sleep, false to disable.
See also

◆ setFrameRateLimiterSleepBias()

void donut::application::Application::setFrameRateLimiterSleepBias ( std::chrono::steady_clock::duration  frameRateLimiterSleepBias)

Set the frame rate limiter sleep bias.

frameRateLimiterSleepBiasnew bias to set. Must be non-negative.
See also

◆ getLatestTickInfo()

TickInfo donut::application::Application::getLatestTickInfo ( ) const

Get information about the latest tick.

the latest tick information.

◆ getLatestFrameInfo()

FrameInfo donut::application::Application::getLatestFrameInfo ( ) const

Get information about the latest frame.

the latest frame information.

◆ update()

virtual void donut::application::Application::update ( FrameInfo  frameInfo)

Per-frame update callback, called in the main loop once at the beginning of each frame, before processing ticks.

This is the best time to poll events using an EventPump and apply any changes to interactive application state that depends on user input and is used by tick(), since it minimizes the average latency between processing an input event and it affecting the result of a subsequent tick.

frameInfoinformation about the current frame, see FrameInfo.
Any exception that is thrown out of this function will percolate up to run() and cause the main loop to stop.
The default implementation of this function does nothing.
The behavior of calling this function manually is undefined.
See also
example_game.cpp, and example_rectangle.cpp.

◆ tick()

virtual void donut::application::Application::tick ( TickInfo  tickInfo)

Fixed-rate tick callback, called in the main loop 0 or more times during tick processing, which happens on each frame after calling update() and before calling display().

See the documentation of TickInfo::tickInterval for an explanation of what this function may be useful for.

tickInfoinformation about the current tick, see TickInfo.
Any exception that is thrown out of this function will percolate up to run() and cause the main loop to stop.
The default implementation of this function does nothing.
The behavior of calling this function manually is undefined.
See also

◆ display()

virtual void donut::application::Application::display ( TickInfo  tickInfo,
FrameInfo  frameInfo 

Frame rendering callback, called in the main loop once at the end of each frame after processing ticks, in order to render the latest state of the application.

Before rendering, this is also the best time to apply any final cosmetic changes to the state of the application that is about to be presented, such as interpolation of data that is updated in tick().

tickInfoinformation about the latest tick, see TickInfo.
frameInfoinformation about the latest frame, see FrameInfo.
Any exception that is thrown out of this function will percolate up to run() and cause the main loop to stop.
The default implementation of this function does nothing.
The behavior of calling this function manually is undefined.
See also
example_game.cpp, and example_rectangle.cpp.

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