libdonut  2.3.2
Application framework for cross-platform game development in C++20
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donut::json::Value Class Reference

JSON value type. More...

#include <donut/json.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for donut::json::Value:
donut::Variant< Null, Boolean, String, Number, Object, Array >

Public Member Functions

 Value () noexcept=default
 Construct a Null value. More...
 Value (Null) noexcept
 Construct a Null value. More...
 Value (std::nullptr_t) noexcept
 Construct a Null value. More...
 Value (Boolean value) noexcept
 Construct a Boolean value with the given underlying value. More...
 Value (const String &value)
 Construct a String value with the given underlying value. More...
 Value (String &&value) noexcept
 Construct a String value from the given underlying value. More...
 Value (const char *value)
 Construct a String value with the given underlying value. More...
 Value (std::string_view value)
 Construct a String value with the given underlying value. More...
 Value (const char8_t *value)
 Construct a String value with the given underlying value. More...
 Value (std::u8string_view value)
 Construct a String value with the given underlying value. More...
 Value (detail::number auto value) noexcept
 Construct a Number value with the given underlying value. More...
 Value (const Object &value)
 Construct an Object value with the given underlying value. More...
 Value (Object &&value) noexcept
 Construct an Object value from the given underlying value. More...
 Value (const Array &value)
 Construct an Array value with the given underlying value. More...
 Value (Array &&value) noexcept
 Construct an Array value from the given underlying value. More...
std::string toString (const SerializationOptions &options={}) const
 Get a JSON string representation of the value. More...
bool operator== (const Value &other) const
 Compare this value to another for equality. More...
std::partial_ordering operator<=> (const Value &other) const
 Compare this value to another. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from donut::Variant< Null, Boolean, String, Number, Object, Array >
constexpr Variant () noexcept(std::is_nothrow_default_constructible_v< variant_alternative_t< 0, Variant >>) requires(HAS_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR)
 Default-construct a variant with the first variant alternative, if it is default-constructible. More...
constexpr Variant (U &&value) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v< decltype(F(std::forward< U >(value)))>) requires(!std
 Converting constructor. More...
constexpr Variant (std::in_place_type_t< T > type, Args &&... args) requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Construct a variant alternative in-place given its type. More...
constexpr Variant (std::in_place_type_t< T > type, std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args) requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Construct a variant alternative in-place given its type, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument. More...
constexpr Variant (std::in_place_index_t< Index > index, Args &&... args) requires(Index< sizeof...(Ts) &&std
 Construct a variant alternative in-place given its index. More...
constexpr Variant (std::in_place_index_t< Index > index, std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args) requires(Index< sizeof...(Ts) &&std
 Construct a variant alternative in-place given its index, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument. More...
constexpr Variant (const Variant &other) requires(!HAS_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR)=delete
 Deleted copy constructor. More...
constexpr Variant (const Variant &other) requires(HAS_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR &&HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR)=default
 Trivial copy constructor. More...
constexpr Variant (const Variant &other) requires(HAS_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR &&!HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR)
 Copy constructor. More...
constexpr Variant (Variant &&other) noexcept requires(HAS_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR &&HAS_TRIVIAL_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR)=default
 Trivial move constructor. More...
constexpr Variant (Variant &&other) noexcept((std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< Ts > &&...)) requires(HAS_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR &&!HAS_TRIVIAL_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR)
 Move constructor. More...
constexpr Variant std::forward (args)...)
constexpr Variant std::forward (args)...)
constexpr ~Variant ()
 Destructor. More...
constexpr ~Variant () requires(HAS_TRIVIAL_DESTRUCTOR)=default
 Trivial destructor. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (const Variant &other) requires(!HAS_COPY_ASSIGNMENT)=delete
 Deleted copy assignment. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (const Variant &other) requires(HAS_COPY_ASSIGNMENT &&HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY_ASSIGNMENT)=default
 Trivial copy assignment. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (const Variant &other) requires(HAS_COPY_ASSIGNMENT &&!HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY_ASSIGNMENT)
 Copy assignment. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (Variant &&other) noexcept requires(HAS_MOVE_ASSIGNMENT &&HAS_TRIVIAL_MOVE_ASSIGNMENT)=default
 Trivial move assignment. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (Variant &&other) noexcept(((std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< Ts > &&//NOLINT(performance-noexcept-move-constructor, cppcoreguidelines-noexcept-move-operations) std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v< Ts >)&&...)) requires(HAS_MOVE_ASSIGNMENT &&!HAS_TRIVIAL_MOVE_ASSIGNMENT)
 Move assignment. More...
constexpr Variantoperator= (U &&value) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_assignable_v< decltype(F(std::forward< U >(value)))&, U > &&std::is_nothrow_constructible_v< decltype(F(std::forward< U >(value))), U >) requires(!std
 Converting assignment. More...
constexpr T & emplace (Args &&... args) requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Construct an alternative given its type, destroying the old value. More...
constexpr T & emplace (std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args) requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Construct an alternative given its type, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument, destroying the old value. More...
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & emplace (Args &&... args) requires(std
 Construct an alternative given its index, destroying the old value. More...
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & emplace (std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args) requires(std
 Construct an alternative given its index, with an initializer list as the first constructor argument, destroying the old value. More...
constexpr void swap (Variant &other) noexcept(((std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< Ts > &&std::is_nothrow_swappable_v< Ts >)&&...))
 Swap this variant's value with that of another. More...
constexpr index_type index () const noexcept
 Get the alternative index of the currently active value held by the variant. More...
constexpr bool valueless_by_exception () const noexcept
 Check if the variant is in the valueless by exception state. More...
constexpr bool is () const noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Check if the variant currently holds the alternative with the given type. More...
constexpr bool is () const noexcept
 Check if the variant currently holds the alternative with the given index. More...
constexpr T & as () &noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check. More...
return as ()
constexpr const T & as () const &noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check. More...
return as ()
constexpr T && as () &&noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check. More...
constexpr const T && as () const &&noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type without a safety check. More...
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & as () &noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check. More...
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & as () const &noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check. More...
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > && as () &&noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check. More...
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > && as () const &&noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index without a safety check. More...
return std::move (as< variant_index_v< T, Variant >>())
return std::move (as< variant_index_v< T, Variant >>())
constexpr T & get () &requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type. More...
constexpr const T & get () const &requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type. More...
constexpr T && get () &&requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type. More...
constexpr const T && get () const &&requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type. More...
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & get () &
 Access the underlying value with the given index. More...
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > & get () const &
 Access the underlying value with the given index. More...
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > && get () &&
 Access the underlying value with the given index. More...
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > && get () const &&
 Access the underlying value with the given index. More...
constexpr T * get_if () noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type if it is the currently active alternative. More...
constexpr const T * get_if () const noexcept requires(variant_has_alternative_v< T
 Access the underlying value with the given type if it is the currently active alternative. More...
constexpr variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > * get_if () noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index if it is the currently active alternative. More...
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< Index, Variant > * get_if () const noexcept
 Access the underlying value with the given index if it is the currently active alternative. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Value parse (std::u8string_view jsonString)
 Parse a value of any JSON type from a UTF-8 JSON string. More...
static Value parse (std::string_view jsonString)
 Parse a value of any JSON type from a JSON string of bytes, interpreted as UTF-8. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from donut::Variant< Null, Boolean, String, Number, Object, Array >
static constexpr decltype(auto) visit (Visitor &&visitor, V &&variant)
 Call a visitor functor with the currently active underlying value of a variant. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from donut::Variant< Null, Boolean, String, Number, Object, Array >
using index_type = std::conditional_t< sizeof...(Ts)< 255ull, std::uint8_t, std::conditional_t< sizeof...(Ts)< 65535ull, std::uint16_t, std::conditional_t< sizeof...(Ts)< 4294967295ull, std::uint32_t, std::uint64_t > >>
 Index type used to encode the active alternative type. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from donut::Variant< Null, Boolean, String, Number, Object, Array >
constexpr Variant Variant
constexpr bool Variant
constexpr T Variant
constexpr const T Variant
constexpr Variant ilist
- Static Public Attributes inherited from donut::Variant< Null, Boolean, String, Number, Object, Array >
static constexpr index_type npos
 Invalid alternative index, representing the valueless by exception state. More...

Detailed Description

JSON value type.

Holds a value of one of the following types:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Value() [1/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( )

Construct a Null value.

◆ Value() [2/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( Null  )

Construct a Null value.

◆ Value() [3/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( std::nullptr_t  )

Construct a Null value.

◆ Value() [4/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( Boolean  value)

Construct a Boolean value with the given underlying value.

valuevalue to copy.

◆ Value() [5/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( const String value)

Construct a String value with the given underlying value.

valuevalue to copy.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.

◆ Value() [6/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( String &&  value)

Construct a String value from the given underlying value.

valuevalue to take.

◆ Value() [7/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( const char *  value)

Construct a String value with the given underlying value.

valueread-only pointer to the null-terminated string to copy the contents of.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.

◆ Value() [8/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( std::string_view  value)

Construct a String value with the given underlying value.

valueread-only view over the string to copy the contents of.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.

◆ Value() [9/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( const char8_t *  value)

Construct a String value with the given underlying value.

valueread-only pointer to the null-terminated UTF-8 string to copy the contents of.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.

◆ Value() [10/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( std::u8string_view  value)

Construct a String value with the given underlying value.

valueread-only view over the UTF-8 string to copy the contents of.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.

◆ Value() [11/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( detail::number auto  value)

Construct a Number value with the given underlying value.

valuevalue to copy. May be of any fundamental arithmetic type except for bool and character types.

◆ Value() [12/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( const Object value)

Construct an Object value with the given underlying value.

valuevalue to copy.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.

◆ Value() [13/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( Object &&  value)

Construct an Object value from the given underlying value.

valuevalue to take.

◆ Value() [14/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( const Array value)

Construct an Array value with the given underlying value.

valuevalue to copy.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.

◆ Value() [15/15]

donut::json::Value::Value ( Array &&  value)

Construct an Array value from the given underlying value.

valuevalue to take.

Member Function Documentation

◆ parse() [1/2]

Value donut::json::Value::parse ( std::u8string_view  jsonString)

Parse a value of any JSON type from a UTF-8 JSON string.

The parser supports JSON5 features such as comments, unquoted identifiers and trailing commas.

jsonStringread-only view over the JSON string to parse a value from.
the parsed value.
Erroron failure to parse a JSON value.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.

◆ parse() [2/2]

Value donut::json::Value::parse ( std::string_view  jsonString)

Parse a value of any JSON type from a JSON string of bytes, interpreted as UTF-8.

The parser supports JSON5 features such as comments, unquoted identifiers and trailing commas.

jsonStringread-only view over the JSON string to parse a value from.
the parsed value.
Erroron failure to parse a JSON value.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.

◆ toString()

std::string donut::json::Value::toString ( const SerializationOptions options = {}) const

Get a JSON string representation of the value.

optionsoptions for JSON serialization, see SerializationOptions.
a JSON string containing a representation of the value as it would be if it had been serialized to an output stream with the given options.
Erroron failure to serialize the value.
std::bad_allocon allocation failure.

◆ operator==()

bool donut::json::Value::operator== ( const Value other) const

Compare this value to another for equality.

otherthe value to compare this value to.
true if the values are equal, false otherwise.

◆ operator<=>()

std::partial_ordering donut::json::Value::operator<=> ( const Value other) const

Compare this value to another.

otherthe value to compare this value to.
a partial ordering between the two values.

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