libdonut  2.3.2
Application framework for cross-platform game development in C++20
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include <donut/UniqueHandle.hpp>
5 #include <donut/events/Event.hpp>
6 #include <donut/events/Input.hpp>
7 #include <donut/math.hpp>
9 #include <array> // std::array
10 #include <bitset> // std::bitset
11 #include <cstddef> // std::size_t
12 #include <optional> // std::optional
13 #include <type_traits> // std::is_same_v, std::is_enum_v, std::underlying_type_t
14 #include <unordered_map> // std::unordered_map
15 #include <vector> // std::vector
17 namespace donut::events {
32  float mouseSensitivity = 0.00038397243543875251f;
96  float touchMotionSensitivity = 1.0f;
105  float touchPressureDeadzone = 0.2f;
106 };
130 public:
135  static constexpr std::size_t OUTPUT_COUNT = 64;
143  using Outputs = std::bitset<OUTPUT_COUNT>;
149  struct Binding {
152  };
163  InputManager(const InputManagerOptions& options = {});
169  InputManager(const InputManager&) = delete;
207  void handleEvent(const Event& event);
222  void bind(Input input, Outputs outputs);
237  void addBinding(Input input, Outputs outputs);
250  void unbind(Input input);
261  void unbindAll() noexcept;
280  void press(Input input, i32 offset = 32767) noexcept;
299  void release(Input input, i32 offset = -32767) noexcept;
318  void move(Input input, i32 offset) noexcept;
335  void set(Input input, i32 value) noexcept;
349  void resetAllInputs() noexcept;
358  void setMouseSensitivity(float sensitivity) noexcept;
367  void setControllerLeftStickSensitivity(float sensitivity) noexcept;
376  void setControllerRightStickSensitivity(float sensitivity) noexcept;
385  void setControllerLeftStickDeadzone(float deadzone) noexcept;
394  void setControllerRightStickDeadzone(float deadzone) noexcept;
403  void setControllerLeftTriggerDeadzone(float deadzone) noexcept;
412  void setControllerRightTriggerDeadzone(float deadzone) noexcept;
421  void setTouchMotionSensitivity(float sensitivity) noexcept;
430  void setTouchPressureDeadzone(float deadzone) noexcept;
438  [[nodiscard]] bool hasAnyBindings() const noexcept;
451  [[nodiscard]] std::vector<Binding> getBindings() const;
463  [[nodiscard]] std::optional<Outputs> findBinding(Input input) const noexcept;
480  [[nodiscard]] std::optional<vec2> getMousePosition() const noexcept;
496  [[nodiscard]] bool mouseJustMoved() const noexcept;
513  [[nodiscard]] bool mouseWheelJustScrolledHorizontally() const noexcept;
530  [[nodiscard]] bool mouseWheelJustScrolledVertically() const noexcept;
537  [[nodiscard]] bool isControllerConnected() const noexcept;
556  [[nodiscard]] std::optional<vec2> getControllerLeftStickPosition() const noexcept;
575  [[nodiscard]] std::optional<vec2> getControllerRightStickPosition() const noexcept;
594  [[nodiscard]] std::optional<float> getControllerLeftTriggerPosition() const noexcept;
613  [[nodiscard]] std::optional<float> getControllerRightTriggerPosition() const noexcept;
631  [[nodiscard]] bool controllerLeftStickJustMoved() const noexcept;
649  [[nodiscard]] bool controllerRightStickJustMoved() const noexcept;
666  [[nodiscard]] bool controllerLeftTriggerJustMoved() const noexcept;
683  [[nodiscard]] bool controllerRightTriggerJustMoved() const noexcept;
703  [[nodiscard]] std::optional<vec2> getTouchPosition() const noexcept;
722  [[nodiscard]] std::optional<float> getTouchPressure() const noexcept;
740  [[nodiscard]] bool touchJustMoved() const noexcept;
758  [[nodiscard]] bool touchJustChangedPressure() const noexcept;
771  [[nodiscard]] Outputs getCurrentOutputs() const noexcept;
783  [[nodiscard]] Outputs getPreviousOutputs() const noexcept;
798  [[nodiscard]] Outputs getJustPressedOutputs() const noexcept;
813  [[nodiscard]] Outputs getJustReleasedOutputs() const noexcept;
831  [[nodiscard]] bool isPressed(std::size_t output) const noexcept;
850  [[nodiscard]] bool justPressed(std::size_t output) const noexcept;
869  [[nodiscard]] bool justReleased(std::size_t output) const noexcept;
892  [[nodiscard]] i32 getAbsoluteState(std::size_t output) const noexcept;
914  [[nodiscard]] i32 getRelativeState(std::size_t output) const noexcept;
934  [[nodiscard]] float getAbsoluteValue(std::size_t outputPositive) const noexcept;
954  [[nodiscard]] float getRelativeValue(std::size_t outputPositive) const noexcept;
977  [[nodiscard]] float getAbsoluteValue(std::size_t outputNegative, std::size_t outputPositive) const noexcept;
1000  [[nodiscard]] float getRelativeValue(std::size_t outputNegative, std::size_t outputPositive) const noexcept;
1037  [[nodiscard]] vec2 getAbsoluteValue(std::size_t outputNegativeX, std::size_t outputPositiveX, std::size_t outputNegativeY, std::size_t outputPositiveY) const noexcept;
1066  [[nodiscard]] vec2 getRelativeValue(std::size_t outputNegativeX, std::size_t outputPositiveX, std::size_t outputNegativeY, std::size_t outputPositiveY) const noexcept;
1110  [[nodiscard]] vec3 getAbsoluteValue(std::size_t outputNegativeX, std::size_t outputPositiveX, std::size_t outputNegativeY, std::size_t outputPositiveY,
1111  std::size_t outputNegativeZ, std::size_t outputPositiveZ) const noexcept;
1146  [[nodiscard]] vec3 getRelativeValue(std::size_t outputNegativeX, std::size_t outputPositiveX, std::size_t outputNegativeY, std::size_t outputPositiveY,
1147  std::size_t outputNegativeZ, std::size_t outputPositiveZ) const noexcept;
1166  [[nodiscard]] bool isPressed(Input input) const noexcept;
1187  [[nodiscard]] bool justPressed(Input input) const noexcept;
1208  [[nodiscard]] bool justReleased(Input input) const noexcept;
1217  template <typename... Actions>
1218  void bind(Input input, Actions... actions) requires((std::is_enum_v<Actions> && !std::is_same_v<Actions, Input>) && ...) {
1219  Outputs outputs{};
1220  (outputs.set(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Actions>>(actions))), ...);
1221  bind(input, outputs);
1222  }
1231  template <typename... Actions>
1232  void addBinding(Input input, Actions... actions) requires((std::is_enum_v<Actions> && !std::is_same_v<Actions, Input>) && ...) {
1233  Outputs outputs{};
1234  (outputs.set(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Actions>>(actions))), ...);
1235  addBinding(input, outputs);
1236  }
1245  template <typename Action>
1246  [[nodiscard]] bool isPressed(Action action) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1247  return isPressed(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(action)));
1248  }
1257  template <typename Action>
1258  [[nodiscard]] bool justPressed(Action action) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1259  return justPressed(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(action)));
1260  }
1269  template <typename Action>
1270  [[nodiscard]] bool justReleased(Action action) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1271  return justReleased(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(action)));
1272  }
1281  template <typename Action>
1282  [[nodiscard]] i32 getAbsoluteState(Action action) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1283  return getAbsoluteState(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(action)));
1284  }
1293  template <typename Action>
1294  [[nodiscard]] i32 getRelativeState(Action action) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1295  return getRelativeState(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(action)));
1296  }
1305  template <typename Action>
1306  [[nodiscard]] float getAbsoluteValue(Action actionPositive) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1307  return getAbsoluteValue(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositive)));
1308  }
1317  template <typename Action>
1318  [[nodiscard]] float getRelativeValue(Action actionPositive) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1319  return getRelativeValue(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositive)));
1320  }
1329  template <typename Action>
1330  [[nodiscard]] float getAbsoluteValue(Action actionNegative, Action actionPositive) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1331  return getAbsoluteValue(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegative)),
1332  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositive)));
1333  }
1342  template <typename Action>
1343  [[nodiscard]] float getRelativeValue(Action actionNegative, Action actionPositive) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1344  return getRelativeValue(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegative)),
1345  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositive)));
1346  }
1357  template <typename Action>
1358  [[nodiscard]] vec2 getAbsoluteValue(Action actionNegativeX, Action actionPositiveX, Action actionNegativeY, Action actionPositiveY) const noexcept
1359  requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1360  return getAbsoluteValue(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegativeX)),
1361  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositiveX)),
1362  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegativeY)),
1363  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositiveY)));
1364  }
1375  template <typename Action>
1376  [[nodiscard]] vec2 getRelativeValue(Action actionNegativeX, Action actionPositiveX, Action actionNegativeY, Action actionPositiveY) const noexcept
1377  requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1378  return getRelativeValue(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegativeX)),
1379  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositiveX)),
1380  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegativeY)),
1381  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositiveY)));
1382  }
1393  template <typename Action>
1394  [[nodiscard]] vec3 getAbsoluteValue(Action actionNegativeX, Action actionPositiveX, Action actionNegativeY, Action actionPositiveY, Action actionNegativeZ,
1395  Action actionPositiveZ) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1396  return getAbsoluteValue(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegativeX)),
1397  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositiveX)),
1398  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegativeY)),
1399  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositiveY)),
1400  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegativeZ)),
1401  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositiveZ)));
1402  }
1413  template <typename Action>
1414  [[nodiscard]] vec3 getRelativeValue(Action actionNegativeX, Action actionPositiveX, Action actionNegativeY, Action actionPositiveY, Action actionNegativeZ,
1415  Action actionPositiveZ) const noexcept requires(std::is_enum_v<Action> && !std::is_same_v<Action, Input>) {
1416  return getRelativeValue(static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegativeX)),
1417  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositiveX)),
1418  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegativeY)),
1419  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositiveY)),
1420  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionNegativeZ)),
1421  static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Action>>(actionPositiveZ)));
1422  }
1424 private:
1425  struct ControllerDeleter {
1426  void operator()(void* handle) const noexcept;
1427  };
1429  using Controller = UniqueHandle<void*, ControllerDeleter>;
1431  void setMousePosition(vec2 position, vec2 relativeMotion) noexcept;
1432  void scrollMouseWheelHorizontally(float offset) noexcept;
1433  void scrollMouseWheelVertically(float offset) noexcept;
1435  void setControllerLeftStickPosition(vec2 position) noexcept;
1436  void setControllerRightStickPosition(vec2 position) noexcept;
1437  void setControllerLeftTriggerPosition(float position) noexcept;
1438  void setControllerRightTriggerPosition(float position) noexcept;
1440  void setTouchPosition(vec2 position) noexcept;
1441  void setTouchPressure(float pressure) noexcept;
1443  InputManagerOptions options;
1444  std::unordered_map<Input, Outputs> bindings{};
1445  std::optional<vec2> mousePosition{};
1446  Controller controller{};
1447  std::optional<vec2> controllerLeftStickPosition{};
1448  std::optional<vec2> controllerRightStickPosition{};
1449  std::optional<float> controllerLeftTriggerPosition{};
1450  std::optional<float> controllerRightTriggerPosition{};
1451  std::optional<vec2> touchPosition{};
1452  std::optional<float> touchPressure{};
1453  Outputs currentPersistentOutputs{};
1454  Outputs previousPersistentOutputs{};
1455  Outputs transientOutputPresses{};
1456  Outputs transientOutputReleases{};
1457  std::array<i32, OUTPUT_COUNT> outputAbsoluteStates{};
1458  std::array<i32, OUTPUT_COUNT> outputRelativeStates{};
1459  std::array<u8, OUTPUT_COUNT> outputPersistentPresses{};
1460  std::bitset<INPUT_COUNT> currentPersistentInputs{};
1461  std::bitset<INPUT_COUNT> previousPersistentInputs{};
1462  std::bitset<INPUT_COUNT> transientInputPresses{};
1463  std::bitset<INPUT_COUNT> transientInputReleases{};
1464  bool mouseTransientMotion = false;
1465  bool mouseWheelHorizontalTransientMotion = false;
1466  bool mouseWheelVerticalTransientMotion = false;
1467  bool controllerLeftStickTransientMotion = false;
1468  bool controllerRightStickTransientMotion = false;
1469  bool controllerLeftTriggerTransientMotion = false;
1470  bool controllerRightTriggerTransientMotion = false;
1471  bool touchTransientMotion = false;
1472  bool touchTransientPressure = false;
1473 };
1475 } // namespace donut::events
1477 #endif
Persistent system for mapping physical Input controls to abstract output numbers and processing input...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:129
Outputs getPreviousOutputs() const noexcept
Get all output numbers for which at least one bound input was in pressed state on the previous frame.
void handleEvent(const Event &event)
Handle an event from an EventPump, which may cause updates to the internal input/output state of the ...
bool hasAnyBindings() const noexcept
Check if this input manager has any active bindings for any input.
vec3 getAbsoluteValue(Action actionNegativeX, Action actionPositiveX, Action actionNegativeY, Action actionPositiveY, Action actionNegativeZ, Action actionPositiveZ) const noexcept requires(std
Like getAbsoluteValue(std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t,...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1394
void addBinding(Input input, Outputs outputs)
Bind a physical input to a set of abstract output numbers, adding to the previous binding if one alre...
std::bitset< OUTPUT_COUNT > Outputs
Set of up to OUTPUT_COUNT unique abstract output numbers.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:143
bool isPressed(std::size_t output) const noexcept
Check if a specific output has any bound inputs which are currently in a pressed state.
Outputs getJustReleasedOutputs() const noexcept
Get all output numbers for which a release was triggered on the current frame.
bool justPressed(Action action) const noexcept requires(std
Like justPressed(std::size_t) const, but accepts an "action" of any enum type, which is interpreted a...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1258
std::optional< float > getControllerLeftTriggerPosition() const noexcept
Get the latest known position of the left trigger of the connected controller, if there is one.
float getRelativeValue(Action actionNegative, Action actionPositive) const noexcept requires(std
Like getRelativeValue(std::size_t, std::size_t) const, but accepts "actions" of any enum type,...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1343
static constexpr std::size_t OUTPUT_COUNT
The maximum supported number of separate outputs that the input manager can keep track of.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:135
bool isControllerConnected() const noexcept
Check if a controller is currently connected as an active input device.
void setControllerLeftStickDeadzone(float deadzone) noexcept
Set the controller left analog stick deadzone fraction.
bool mouseWheelJustScrolledVertically() const noexcept
Check if the mouse wheel was just scrolled vertically on the current frame.
vec2 getAbsoluteValue(Action actionNegativeX, Action actionPositiveX, Action actionNegativeY, Action actionPositiveY) const noexcept requires(std
Like getAbsoluteValue(std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t) const, but accepts "actions...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1358
bool mouseJustMoved() const noexcept
Check if the mouse just moved on the current frame.
void prepareForEvents()
Update the internal state to prepare for the input events of the current frame to be handled.
InputManager & operator=(InputManager &&)=delete
Moving an input manager is not allowed, since it manages global state.
void setControllerRightTriggerDeadzone(float deadzone) noexcept
Set the controller right trigger deadzone fraction.
void setControllerLeftStickSensitivity(float sensitivity) noexcept
Set the controller left analog stick sensitivity coefficient.
void resetAllInputs() noexcept
Reset the internal state of all inputs and outputs for both the current and previous frame.
bool justReleased(std::size_t output) const noexcept
Check if a specific output had a release triggered on the current frame.
void setControllerLeftTriggerDeadzone(float deadzone) noexcept
Set the controller left trigger deadzone fraction.
std::optional< vec2 > getMousePosition() const noexcept
Get the latest known mouse position processed by the input manager.
Outputs getJustPressedOutputs() const noexcept
Get all output numbers for which a press was triggered on the current frame.
i32 getRelativeState(Action action) const noexcept requires(std
Like getRelativeState(std::size_t) const, but accepts an "action" of any enum type,...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1294
std::optional< float > getTouchPressure() const noexcept
Get the latest known touch finger pressure processed by the input manager.
void setControllerRightStickDeadzone(float deadzone) noexcept
Set the controller right analog stick deadzone fraction.
i32 getRelativeState(std::size_t output) const noexcept
Get the current raw total relative value of a specific output, which consists of the accumulated cont...
bool controllerLeftStickJustMoved() const noexcept
Check if the controller left analog stick just moved on the current frame.
float getAbsoluteValue(Action actionPositive) const noexcept requires(std
Like getAbsoluteValue(std::size_t) const, but accepts an "action" of any enum type,...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1306
bool mouseWheelJustScrolledHorizontally() const noexcept
Check if the mouse wheel was just scrolled horizontally on the current frame.
std::optional< float > getControllerRightTriggerPosition() const noexcept
Get the latest known position of the right trigger of the connected controller, if there is one.
InputManager(InputManager &&)=delete
Moving an input manager is not allowed, since it manages global state.
vec3 getRelativeValue(Action actionNegativeX, Action actionPositiveX, Action actionNegativeY, Action actionPositiveY, Action actionNegativeZ, Action actionPositiveZ) const noexcept requires(std
Like getRelativeValue(std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t,...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1414
float getRelativeValue(Action actionPositive) const noexcept requires(std
Like getRelativeValue(std::size_t) const, but accepts an "action" of any enum type,...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1318
void bind(Input input, Outputs outputs)
Bind a physical input to a set of abstract output numbers, overriding the previous binding if one alr...
void setMouseSensitivity(float sensitivity) noexcept
Set the mouse sensitivity coefficient.
std::optional< vec2 > getTouchPosition() const noexcept
Get the latest known touch finger position processed by the input manager.
i32 getAbsoluteState(std::size_t output) const noexcept
Get the current raw total absolute value of a specific output, which consists of the accumulated cont...
void unbind(Input input)
Remove all outputs from a specific input.
bool touchJustMoved() const noexcept
Check if the touch finger just moved on the current frame.
void move(Input input, i32 offset) noexcept
Trigger a transient press and release of an input that only lasts for the current frame and apply a r...
float getRelativeValue(std::size_t outputPositive) const noexcept
Get the current scaled relative value of a specific output in a single direction, which consists of t...
Outputs getCurrentOutputs() const noexcept
Get all output numbers for which at least one bound input is currently in a pressed state.
bool controllerRightStickJustMoved() const noexcept
Check if the controller right analog stick just moved on the current frame.
bool controllerRightTriggerJustMoved() const noexcept
Check if the controller right trigger just moved on the current frame.
bool justReleased(Action action) const noexcept requires(std
Like justReleased(std::size_t) const, but accepts an "action" of any enum type, which is interpreted ...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1270
float getAbsoluteValue(Action actionNegative, Action actionPositive) const noexcept requires(std
Like getAbsoluteValue(std::size_t, std::size_t) const, but accepts "actions" of any enum type,...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1330
bool justPressed(std::size_t output) const noexcept
Check if a specific output had a press triggered on the current frame.
InputManager(const InputManager &)=delete
Copying an input manager is not allowed, since it manages global state.
std::vector< Binding > getBindings() const
Get all active bindings of this input manager.
std::optional< vec2 > getControllerLeftStickPosition() const noexcept
Get the latest known position of the left analog stick of the connected controller,...
bool isPressed(Action action) const noexcept requires(std
Like isPressed(std::size_t) const, but accepts an "action" of any enum type, which is interpreted as ...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1246
void press(Input input, i32 offset=32767) noexcept
Add to an input and apply an offset to all of its bound outputs.
float getAbsoluteValue(std::size_t outputPositive) const noexcept
Get the current scaled absolute value of a specific output in a single direction, which consists of t...
void setTouchPressureDeadzone(float deadzone) noexcept
Set the touch finger pressure deadzone fraction.
void setControllerRightStickSensitivity(float sensitivity) noexcept
Set the controller right analog stick sensitivity coefficient.
InputManager & operator=(const InputManager &)=delete
Copying an input manager is not allowed, since it manages global state.
i32 getAbsoluteState(Action action) const noexcept requires(std
Like getAbsoluteState(std::size_t) const, but accepts an "action" of any enum type,...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1282
bool touchJustChangedPressure() const noexcept
Check if the touch finger just changed pressure on the current frame.
std::optional< Outputs > findBinding(Input input) const noexcept
Get the set of outputs that a specific input is currently bound to.
void addBinding(Input input, Actions... actions) requires((std
Like addBinding(Input, Outputs), but accepts a pack of "actions" of any enum type,...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1232
InputManager(const InputManagerOptions &options={})
Construct an input manager.
vec2 getRelativeValue(Action actionNegativeX, Action actionPositiveX, Action actionNegativeY, Action actionPositiveY) const noexcept requires(std
Like getRelativeValue(std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t) const, but accepts "actions...
Definition: InputManager.hpp:1376
void release(Input input, i32 offset=-32767) noexcept
Subtract from an input and apply an offset to all of its bound outputs.
void unbindAll() noexcept
Remove all bindings from all inputs.
void setTouchMotionSensitivity(float sensitivity) noexcept
Set the touch finger motion sensitivity coefficient.
void set(Input input, i32 value) noexcept
Set the absolute value of all outputs bound to a specific input, without affecting the relative value...
bool controllerLeftTriggerJustMoved() const noexcept
Check if the controller left trigger just moved on the current frame.
std::optional< vec2 > getControllerRightStickPosition() const noexcept
Get the latest known position of the right analog stick of the connected controller,...
Definition: Error.hpp:7
Unique identifier for a specific control on a physical input device, such as a certain keyboard key,...
Definition: Input.hpp:323
Data structure containing information about an event.
Definition: Event.hpp:339
Configuration options for an InputManager.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:22
float controllerLeftTriggerDeadzone
Controller left trigger deadzone fraction.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:78
float controllerLeftStickSensitivity
Controller left analog stick sensitivity coefficient.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:40
float controllerRightTriggerDeadzone
Controller right trigger deadzone fraction.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:88
float controllerLeftStickDeadzone
Controller left analog stick deadzone fraction.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:58
float touchMotionSensitivity
Touch finger motion sensitivity coefficient.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:96
float touchPressureDeadzone
Touch finger pressure deadzone fraction.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:105
float controllerRightStickDeadzone
Controller right analog stick deadzone fraction.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:68
float mouseSensitivity
Mouse sensitivity coefficient.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:32
float controllerRightStickSensitivity
Controller right analog stick sensitivity coefficient.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:48
A single configured binding from a physical input to a set of abstract output numbers.
Definition: InputManager.hpp:149
Input input
Definition: InputManager.hpp:150
Outputs outputs
Definition: InputManager.hpp:151