libdonut  2.3.2
Application framework for cross-platform game development in C++20
Go to the documentation of this file.
7 #include <donut/math.hpp>
8 #include <donut/reflection.hpp>
10 #include <cstddef> // std::size_t, std::byte
11 #include <cstdint> // std::int32_t, std::uint32_t, std::uintptr_t
12 #include <memory> // std::addressof
13 #include <span> // std::span
14 #include <stdexcept> // std::invalid_argument
15 #include <type_traits> // std::is_same_v, std::remove_cvref_t, std::false_type, std::true_type, std::bool_constant, std::is_aggregate_v, std::is_standard_layout_v, std::conditional_t
16 #include <utility> // std::declval
18 namespace donut::graphics {
25 template <typename T>
26 concept vertex_attribute = //
27  std::is_same_v<T, u32> || //
28  std::is_same_v<T, float> || //
29  std::is_same_v<T, vec2> || //
30  std::is_same_v<T, vec3> || //
31  std::is_same_v<T, vec4> || //
32  std::is_same_v<T, mat2> || //
33  std::is_same_v<T, mat3> || //
34  std::is_same_v<T, mat4>;
44 enum class MeshBufferUsage : std::uint32_t {
45  STATIC_COPY = 0x88E6,
46  STATIC_DRAW = 0x88E4,
47  STATIC_READ = 0x88E5,
48  DYNAMIC_COPY = 0x88EA,
49  DYNAMIC_DRAW = 0x88E8,
50  DYNAMIC_READ = 0x88E9,
51  STREAM_COPY = 0x88E2,
52  STREAM_DRAW = 0x88E0,
53  STREAM_READ = 0x88E1,
54 };
60 enum class MeshPrimitiveType : std::uint32_t {
61  POINTS = 0x0000,
62  LINES = 0x0001,
63  LINE_LOOP = 0x0002,
64  LINE_STRIP = 0x0003,
65  TRIANGLES = 0x0004,
66  TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x0005,
67 };
73 enum class MeshIndexType : std::uint32_t {
74  U8 = 0x1401,
75  U16 = 0x1403,
76  U32 = 0x1405,
77 };
79 namespace detail {
81 class MeshStatePreserver {
82 public:
83  [[nodiscard]] MeshStatePreserver() noexcept;
84  ~MeshStatePreserver();
86  MeshStatePreserver(const MeshStatePreserver&) = delete;
87  MeshStatePreserver(MeshStatePreserver&&) = delete;
88  MeshStatePreserver& operator=(const MeshStatePreserver&) = delete;
89  MeshStatePreserver& operator=(MeshStatePreserver&&) = delete;
91 private:
92  std::int32_t vertexArrayBinding = 0;
93  std::int32_t arrayBufferBinding = 0;
94 };
96 void bindVertexArray(Handle handle);
97 void bindArrayBuffer(Handle handle);
98 void bindElementArrayBuffer(Handle handle);
99 void enableVertexAttribArray(std::uint32_t index);
100 void vertexAttribDivisor(std::uint32_t index, std::uint32_t divisor);
101 void vertexAttribPointerUint(std::uint32_t index, std::size_t count, std::size_t stride, std::uintptr_t offset);
102 void vertexAttribPointerFloat(std::uint32_t index, std::size_t count, std::size_t stride, std::uintptr_t offset);
103 void bufferArrayBufferData(std::size_t size, const void* data, MeshBufferUsage usage);
104 void bufferElementArrayBufferData(std::size_t size, const void* data, MeshBufferUsage usage);
106 template <bool IsInstance>
107 inline void enableVertexAttribute(std::uint32_t index) {
108  enableVertexAttribArray(index);
109  if constexpr (IsInstance) {
110  vertexAttribDivisor(index, 1);
111  }
112 }
114 template <bool IsInstance, typename T>
115 [[nodiscard]] inline std::uint32_t setupVertexAttribute(std::uint32_t index, std::size_t stride, std::uintptr_t offset) {
116  if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, std::uint32_t>) {
117  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
118  vertexAttribPointerUint(index++, 1, stride, offset);
119  } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, float>) {
120  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
121  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 1, stride, offset);
122  } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, vec2>) {
123  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
124  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 2, stride, offset);
125  } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, vec3>) {
126  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
127  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 3, stride, offset);
128  } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, vec4>) {
129  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
130  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 4, stride, offset);
131  } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, mat2>) {
132  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
133  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 2, stride, offset);
134  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
135  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 2, stride, offset + sizeof(float) * 2);
136  } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, mat3>) {
137  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
138  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 3, stride, offset);
139  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
140  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 3, stride, offset + sizeof(float) * 3);
141  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
142  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 3, stride, offset + sizeof(float) * 6);
143  } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, mat4>) {
144  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
145  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 4, stride, offset);
146  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
147  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 4, stride, offset + sizeof(float) * 4);
148  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
149  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 4, stride, offset + sizeof(float) * 8);
150  enableVertexAttribute<IsInstance>(index);
151  vertexAttribPointerFloat(index++, 4, stride, offset + sizeof(float) * 12);
152  } else {
153  throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid vertex attribute type!"};
154  }
155  return index;
156 }
158 template <typename Tuple>
159 struct is_vertex_attributes : std::false_type {};
161 template <typename... Ts>
162 struct is_vertex_attributes<std::tuple<Ts...>> : std::bool_constant<(vertex_attribute<std::remove_cvref_t<Ts>> && ...)> {};
164 template <typename Tuple>
165 inline constexpr bool is_vertex_attributes_v = is_vertex_attributes<Tuple>::value;
167 } // namespace detail
174 template <typename T>
175 concept mesh_vertex = //
176  std::is_aggregate_v<T> && // Vertex must be an aggregate type, such as a plain struct.
177  std::is_standard_layout_v<T> && // Vertex must have standard layout in order to be compatible with the layout expected by the shader.
178  detail::is_vertex_attributes_v<decltype(reflection::fields(std::declval<T>()))>; // All vertex fields must be valid vertex attributes.
183 struct NoIndex {};
190 template <typename T>
191 concept mesh_index = //
192  std::is_same_v<T, NoIndex> || //
193  std::is_same_v<T, u8> || //
194  std::is_same_v<T, u16> || //
195  std::is_same_v<T, u32>;
200 struct NoInstance {};
207 template <typename T>
208 concept mesh_instance = //
209  std::is_aggregate_v<T> && // Instance must be an aggregate type, such as a plain struct.
210  std::is_standard_layout_v<T> && // Instance must have standard layout in order to be compatible with the layout expected by the shader.
211  detail::is_vertex_attributes_v<decltype(reflection::fields(std::declval<T>()))>; // All instance fields must be valid vertex attributes.
225 template <typename Vertex, typename Index = NoIndex, typename Instance = NoInstance>
226 class Mesh {
227 public:
228  static_assert(mesh_vertex<Vertex>, "Mesh template parameter \"Vertex\" must be a valid vertex type.");
229  static_assert(mesh_index<Index>, "Mesh template parameter \"Index\" must be a valid index type.");
230  static_assert(mesh_instance<Instance>, "Mesh template parameter \"Instance\" must be a valid instance type.");
233  static constexpr bool IS_INDEXED = !std::is_same_v<Index, NoIndex>;
236  static constexpr bool IS_INSTANCED = !std::is_same_v<Instance, NoInstance>;
245  Mesh(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, std::span<const Vertex> vertices) requires(!IS_INDEXED && !IS_INSTANCED) {
246  const detail::MeshStatePreserver preserver{};
247  detail::bindVertexArray(vao.get());
248  bufferVertexData(verticesUsage, vertices, 0);
249  }
261  Mesh(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, MeshBufferUsage indicesUsage, std::span<const Vertex> vertices, std::span<const Index> indices) requires(IS_INDEXED && !IS_INSTANCED) {
262  const detail::MeshStatePreserver preserver{};
263  detail::bindVertexArray(vao.get());
264  bufferVertexData(verticesUsage, vertices, 0);
265  bufferIndexData(indicesUsage, indices);
266  }
278  Mesh(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, MeshBufferUsage instancesUsage, std::span<const Vertex> vertices, std::span<const Instance> instances) requires(!IS_INDEXED && IS_INSTANCED)
279  {
280  const detail::MeshStatePreserver preserver{};
281  detail::bindVertexArray(vao.get());
282  bufferVertexData(verticesUsage, vertices, 0);
283  bufferInstanceData(instancesUsage, instances, static_cast<std::uint32_t>(reflection::aggregate_size_v<Vertex>));
284  }
299  Mesh(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, MeshBufferUsage indicesUsage, MeshBufferUsage instancesUsage, std::span<const Vertex> vertices, std::span<const Index> indices,
300  std::span<const Instance> instances) requires(IS_INDEXED && IS_INSTANCED) {
301  const detail::MeshStatePreserver preserver{};
302  detail::bindVertexArray(vao.get());
303  bufferVertexData(verticesUsage, vertices, 0);
304  bufferIndexData(indicesUsage, indices);
305  bufferInstanceData(instancesUsage, instances, static_cast<std::uint32_t>(reflection::aggregate_size_v<Vertex>));
306  }
317  void setVertices(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, std::span<const Vertex> vertices) noexcept requires(!IS_INDEXED) {
318  const detail::MeshStatePreserver preserver{};
319  detail::bindVertexArray(vao.get());
320  detail::bindArrayBuffer(vbo.get());
321  detail::bufferArrayBufferData(sizeof(Vertex) * vertices.size(),, verticesUsage);
322  }
336  void setVertices(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, MeshBufferUsage indicesUsage, std::span<const Vertex> vertices, std::span<const Index> indices) noexcept requires(IS_INDEXED) {
337  const detail::MeshStatePreserver preserver{};
338  detail::bindVertexArray(vao.get());
339  detail::bindArrayBuffer(vbo.get());
340  detail::bufferArrayBufferData(sizeof(Vertex) * vertices.size(),, verticesUsage);
341  detail::bindElementArrayBuffer(ebo.get());
342  detail::bufferElementArrayBufferData(sizeof(Index) * indices.size(),, indicesUsage);
343  }
355  [[nodiscard]] Handle getVertexBuffer() const noexcept {
356  return vbo.get();
357  }
369  [[nodiscard]] Handle getIndexBuffer() const noexcept requires(IS_INDEXED) {
370  return ebo.get();
371  }
383  [[nodiscard]] Handle getInstanceBuffer() const noexcept requires(IS_INSTANCED) {
384  return ibo.get();
385  }
397  [[nodiscard]] Handle get() const noexcept {
398  return vao.get();
399  }
401 private:
402  void bufferVertexData(MeshBufferUsage usage, std::span<const Vertex> vertices, std::uint32_t attributeOffset) {
403  static_assert(std::is_aggregate_v<Vertex>, "Vertex type must be an aggregate type!");
404  static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<Vertex>, "Vertex type must have standard layout!");
405  detail::bindArrayBuffer(vbo.get());
406  detail::bufferArrayBufferData(sizeof(Vertex) * vertices.size(),, usage);
407  Vertex dummyVertex{};
408  reflection::forEach(reflection::fields(dummyVertex), [&dummyVertex, &attributeOffset]<typename T>(T& dummyField) {
409  const std::byte* const basePointer = reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(std::addressof(dummyVertex));
410  const std::byte* const attributePointer = reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(std::addressof(dummyField));
411  const std::uintptr_t offset = static_cast<std::uintptr_t>(attributePointer - basePointer);
412  attributeOffset = detail::setupVertexAttribute<false, T>(attributeOffset, sizeof(Vertex), offset);
413  });
414  }
416  void bufferIndexData(MeshBufferUsage usage, std::span<const Index> indices) requires(IS_INDEXED) {
417  detail::bindElementArrayBuffer(ebo.get());
418  detail::bufferElementArrayBufferData(sizeof(Index) * indices.size(),, usage);
419  }
421  void bufferInstanceData(MeshBufferUsage usage, std::span<const Instance> instances, std::uint32_t attributeOffset) requires(IS_INSTANCED) {
422  static_assert(std::is_aggregate_v<Instance>, "Instance type must be an aggregate type!");
423  static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<Instance>, "Instance type must have standard layout!");
424  detail::bindArrayBuffer(ibo.get());
425  detail::bufferArrayBufferData(sizeof(Instance) * instances.size(),, usage);
426  Instance dummyInstance{};
427  reflection::forEach(reflection::fields(dummyInstance), [&dummyInstance, &attributeOffset]<typename T>(T& dummyField) {
428  const std::byte* const basePointer = reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(std::addressof(dummyInstance));
429  const std::byte* const attributePointer = reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(std::addressof(dummyField));
430  const std::uintptr_t offset = static_cast<std::uintptr_t>(attributePointer - basePointer);
431  attributeOffset = detail::setupVertexAttribute<true, T>(attributeOffset, sizeof(Instance), offset);
432  });
433  }
435  VertexArray vao{};
436  Buffer vbo{};
437  [[no_unique_address]] std::conditional_t<IS_INDEXED, Buffer, NoIndex> ebo{};
438  [[no_unique_address]] std::conditional_t<IS_INSTANCED, Buffer, NoInstance> ibo{};
439 };
441 } // namespace donut::graphics
443 #endif
Generic abstraction of a GPU vertex array object and its associated buffers.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:226
Mesh(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, MeshBufferUsage indicesUsage, std::span< const Vertex > vertices, std::span< const Index > indices) requires(IS_INDEXED &&!IS_INSTANCED)
Constructor for meshes that have a vertex buffer and an index buffer.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:261
Mesh(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, MeshBufferUsage instancesUsage, std::span< const Vertex > vertices, std::span< const Instance > instances) requires(!IS_INDEXED &&IS_INSTANCED)
Constructor for meshes that have a vertex buffer and an instance buffer.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:278
Handle getIndexBuffer() const noexcept requires(IS_INDEXED)
Get an opaque handle to the GPU representation of the index buffer.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:369
Handle get() const noexcept
Get an opaque handle to the GPU representation of the vertex array.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:397
Handle getVertexBuffer() const noexcept
Get an opaque handle to the GPU representation of the vertex buffer.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:355
void setVertices(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, std::span< const Vertex > vertices) noexcept requires(!IS_INDEXED)
Set the contents of the vertex buffer.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:317
Handle getInstanceBuffer() const noexcept requires(IS_INSTANCED)
Get an opaque handle to the GPU representation of the instance buffer.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:383
Mesh(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, MeshBufferUsage indicesUsage, MeshBufferUsage instancesUsage, std::span< const Vertex > vertices, std::span< const Index > indices, std::span< const Instance > instances) requires(IS_INDEXED &&IS_INSTANCED)
Constructor for meshes that have a vertex buffer, an index buffer and an instance buffer.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:299
void setVertices(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, MeshBufferUsage indicesUsage, std::span< const Vertex > vertices, std::span< const Index > indices) noexcept requires(IS_INDEXED)
Set the contents of the vertex and index buffers.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:336
Mesh(MeshBufferUsage verticesUsage, std::span< const Vertex > vertices) requires(!IS_INDEXED &&!IS_INSTANCED)
Constructor for meshes that only have a vertex buffer.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:245
Definition: Buffer.hpp:7
concept vertex_attribute
Concept that checks if a type is a valid vertex attribute.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:26
concept mesh_vertex
Concept that checks if a type is a valid vertex type.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:175
std::uint32_t Handle
Generic GPU resource handle.
Definition: Handle.hpp:11
Hint to the graphics driver implementation regarding the intended access pattern of a particular GPU ...
Definition: Mesh.hpp:44
Specification of which kind of graphical primitive is defined by an associated sequence of vertices i...
Definition: Mesh.hpp:60
Each point, except the first two, forms a filled triangle with the previous two points.
Each point forms a line segment to the previous point, where the last point connects back to the firs...
Each consecutive triple of points forms an individual filled triangle.
Each consecutive pair of points forms an individual line segment.
Each point, except the first, forms a line segment to the previous point.
concept mesh_instance
Concept that checks if a type is a valid instance type.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:208
concept mesh_index
Concept that checks if a type is a valid index type.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:191
Specification of which type of indices is used in the index buffer of a particular Mesh.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:73
@ U8
Unsigned 8-bit integer.
@ U32
Unsigned 32-bit integer.
@ U16
Unsigned 16-bit integer.
constexpr auto fields(auto &&aggregate) noexcept
Get a tuple of references to each of the fields of an aggregate.
Definition: reflection.hpp:86
constexpr void forEach(auto &&tuple, auto fn)
Execute a function once for each element in a given tuple, sequentially.
Definition: reflection.hpp:207
Tag type for specifying that a Mesh does not have an index buffer.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:183
Tag type for specifying that a Mesh does not have an instance buffer.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:200